In Obedience to an Order of York County Court bearing date the 18th. of February 1765. We the Subscribers being first Sworn have Appraised in Current Money the Slaves and Personal Estate of Bethea Morris deceased.

1 Negro Man Sam£50.0.0
1 Do. Woman Celia60.0.0
1 Do. Do. Chloe50.0.0
1 Do. Boy Lewis25.0.0
4 Cows £9 4 two Year olds £413.0.0
1 Young Horse8.0.0
23 Shoats3.9.0
23 Barrels of Corn11.10.0
1500 Bundles of Fodder1.17.6
1 Feather Bed and Furniture10.0.0
1 Do. & Do.9.0.0
A parcel of Pewter1.5.0
8 Chairs0.14.0
3 old Tables0.10.0
1 pair flat Irons0.5.0
2 ½ Dozn. Bottles0.5.0
1 Tea Kettle and Trevat 7/6. 1 Brass Skillet and Saucepan 10/0.17.6
2 Spice Mortars 15/. 1 pr. Stillards 7/6. 4 Butter Pots 5/1.7.6
2 Candle Sticks & 2 Pepper Boxes 2/6. 1 Spinning Wheel & 2 pr. Cards 10/0.12.6
1 Tub & 1 pale [torn] Candle Stick 12/0.16.0
6 Silver Tea [Spoons?]1.10.0
A pair [ ] 10/1.0.0
2 Sifter [ ] 2/61.7.6
A parcel Bo [ ]1.12.0
1 pair Ha [ ]0.7.6
1 old [ ]0.9.0
750 [ ]7.10.0

(appraisers' names torn away)

Returned into York County Court the 18th. day of March 1765 and Ordered to be Recorded Examd.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.