An Inventory of the Appraisment of the Estate of James Crandall decd.

A Negro Woman Lucy£ 50.0.0
5 Cows, 2 two Year olds, 1 Year old, and 2 Calves13.10.0
30 Hogs young and old5.17.0
3 Sheep 22/6. 1 Mare and Colt £89.2.6
1 Mare £ 5. 1 Young Horse £ 813.0.0
1 Iron Pot a Plough, 3 Iron Hoops &c0.12.6
Casks, Wheelbarrows, Wedges, and other sundries0.13.0
1 Feather Bed and Furniture £5. 1 Do. £510.0.0
1 Do. £5. 1 Do. £4. 1 Do. £615.0.0
1 Do. £2. sundry Bed Furniture £5. 4/7.4.0
1 Desk £2. 1 Pr. Spoon Moulds, Razor Hone &c 15/2.15.0
2 Looking Glasses 15/. 1 Trunk 19/1.4.0
1 Square Walnut Table £2. 1 Folding do. £1.15/3.15.0
1 Small do. 10/. Table Cloths 25/.1.15.0
6 Leather Chairs 18/. 14 Rush bottomed Do. 22/62.0.6
6 Dozen Bottles and 3 Baskets 11/. a parcel Books 7/60.18.6
2 old Chests and 6 Boxes 11/. 1 Corner Cupboard & sunds. 15/1.6.0
1 Corner Cupboard Bowls and Glasses2.0.0
1 pr. Steelyards 5/. Spun Cotton and Yarn 23/61.8.6
1 Warming Pan 2/6. Knives and Forks 2/6. other sundries 27/.1.12.0
20 Gallons soft Sope 25/. 108 lb. hard Do. £3.7.6 4.12.6
6 Earthen Pots 7/6. a parcel Pewter 45/. Earthen Ware 12/ 3.4.6
A Tub, Water Pails, Peck [torn] 3/90.13.9
2 Spits a flesh fork [and Skimmer. . .a] nd Trivet 10/0.17.6
2 Iron Pots and [torn]0.12.3
2 new Hoes [torn]0.17.0
3 Chains and [torn]0.15.0
Old Iron &c 10/ [torn]1.12.0
1 Spinning W[heel]1.0.6
[The entries at the bottom of page 235 are mutilated.]
11 lb. Tallow and Basket 9/3. Leather 6/. 1 Meal Tub & Casks 8/61.3.9
Butter and Pots 33/. 1 small Cask, Rake, & Pitch Forks 4/ 1.17.0
9 Barrels Corn £ 4.10/. 10 Bushels Wheat 40/. 1 Cart 5/6.15.0
Tobacco Sold for3.17.3
Cash in the House at the time of his Death3.0.0
1 Spinning Wheel0.5.0
3 large Bottles0.3.0
£ 180.11.6

In obedience to an Order of York Court bearing date the 18 Day of March 1765. We the Subscribers being first Sworn before James Pride Esqr. one of his Majesty's Justices of the the Peace then did meet and Appraise all such Estate as was brought before us of the said James Crandall decd. as on the other side. As Witness our hands this 20th. day of May 1765.

Matt. Hubberd
Higginson Wade
John Wagstaff

Returned into York County Court the 20th. day of May 1765 and ordered to be recorded
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.