An Inventory and Appraisment of the Estate of Matthew Shields deceased as follows.

In the Hall
1 Corner Cupboard£0.10.0
6 Saucers 4 Cups 3 Tea Potts0.10.0
4 Tea Spoons0.10.0
1 Salt 1 Tumbler 1 Wine Glass0.2.0
A parcel of Vials &c0.1.0
1 large Walnut Table1.10.0
1 Smaller Do.1.0.0
1 Mahogany Round Do.1.5.0
1 looking Glass0.10.0
1 Watch4.10.0
Pair of Iron Dogs and Tongs0.12.6
3 leather Bottom Chairs1.0.0
1 Old Easy Chair3.0.0
1 Tea Kettle0.7.6
1 Desk and Scales3.0.0
1 Sword and Gun1.5.0
1 Fiddle and [torn]1.10.0
In the [Cham]ber and Closet:
1 Bed, Bedstead [torn] Blankets & Quilt7.0.0
The entries at the bottom of page 282 are mutilated]
1 Case and 10 Bottles0.15.0
2 Stone Mugs 2 Tea Canisters 1 Cruit0.2.6
Parcel of Books0.10.0
2¾ lb. Spun Cotton0.10.0
2 old Boxes 1 Waiter, 1 Funnel0.5.0
1 Close Stool Chair1.10.0
1 Trivet 1 Corner Cupboard0.6.3
Up Stairs
1 Bed, Bedstead, Cord & Hide, Pair Blankets, Quilt & Pillows5.0.0
1 Do. Bedstead Pair Blankets4.0.0
1 old Walnut Table0.2.6
1 Quilting Frame0.2.0
In the Celler &c
8 Cyder Casks1.12.0
3 old Chairs 1 Chest 1 Trunk0.10.0
1 Old Bell Mettle Skillet0.5.0
3 Barrels, 2 Doz. Bottles, ½ Bushel Pease, Do. Salt0.12.0
1 Pair Steelyards and Parcel Lumber2.0.0
1 Whip Saw 1 x Cut Do.1.0.0
1 ½ Dozn. Plates and five Dishes2.9.0
½ Dozn. Table Knives and Forks0.7.6
2 Basins 2 Milk Pans 2 Butter Potts 2 Jugs & Jarr0.10.6
Pair Candlesticks 1 old Chest Searce and Sifter0.10.0
4 Reap Hooks, 1 Scrubing Brush 1 Old Brass Kettle0.13.3
4 Spades 2 Grubing [Hoes]1.15.0
Parcel of Lumber [torn]0.18.9
1 Side Saddle [torn] 1.0.0
1 Spinning Wheel [torn]0.10.0
2 Iron Pots [torn]1.5.0
3 Jars [torn]0.13.0
[The entries at the bottom of page 283 are mutilated]
2 Carts & Wheels & Harness13.0.0
2 Riding Chairs & Ditto27.0.0
1 Sythe Ox Chain & Plow1.0.0
7 Old Barrels 2 Chests & Wheat2.15.0
1 Sorrell Horse10.0.0
1 Do.7.0.0
1 White Do.10.0.0
1 Bay Mare8.0.0
5 Shoats1.5.0
5 Hoes & 4 Axes1.7.6
4 Bowl0.13.6
19 T [ ]37.0.0

[The last entries and part of the appraisers' oath are mutilated.]

[Pursuant to an order of York County Court dated 16 June 1765, we the Subscribers being] first Sworn have Appraised in Current Money the Slaves and Personal Estate of Matthew Shields Deceased this twenty fifth day of June 1766 Witness our Hands.

James Shields
John Pierce
Emery Hughes

Returned into York County Court the 21st. day of July 1766 and Ordered to be Recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.