[An inventory of the estate of Elizabeth Davis begins on page 296. Part of the appraisors' introduction is mutilated.]

[...John Patrick] John Gemill and William Patrick do appraise in current money the Slaves & personal estate of Eliz Davis decd. we the subscribers being first sworn have met accordingly this 29th. Day of November 1766 & do appraise the said estate in manner and form following

1 negro man Slave named Frank£40..0..0
1 bed and furniture4..0..0
1 Do. at2..10..0
1 parcel of cotton at 3d. P lb.0..5..0
1 iron pott 7/, 2 small Do. 6/, 1 old brass cittle 5/0..18..0
3 basons 1 dish and 7 plates0..17..6
1 spice mortar & pessel 3/ 1 spitt & frying pan 8/0..14..0
1 pott-rack 7/6, 1 trunk 5/, 2 books2/60..15..0
5 flag chairs 6/3, 1 old chest 1/3, 1 old candle-stick 3d.0..7..9
1 small wheel and cards 5/, 2 tables 3/9, 2 old sifters 1.0..9..9
1 pigon and old pale 2/6, 2 mugs and a parcel of eathn. ware 4/0..6..6
1 powdering tub 5/, 2 hoes 2 axes 5/0..10..0
3 old hoes 1/3, 2 old earthen pots 1/3, 1 chane & rope 1/30..3..9
1 pair of fire tongs 5/, 1 mug 9d.0..5..9
25 barrels of corn at 10/ per b1.12..10..0
Corn blades at 1/6 per hd. to Do. corn tops 12/61..5..0
1 parcel of corn-shocks0..4..0
3 sows and 2 barrows and 7 pigs2..10..0
5 cows at 30/ each 2 yearlings [torn] £1.7.68..17..6

John Patrick
John Gemills
William Patrick

Returned into York County Court... day of January 1767 and ordered [to be recorded.] Exd.
[Thos.] Everard Cl. Cur.