In obedience to an order of court of York county dated Novm 1766 ordereth that we the subscribers should appraise the estate of John Jones decd and we after being sworn before mr Thomas Chisman hath appraised the same in manner and form as followeth

To 1 negro woman £30, 1 negro boy £20, 1 negro girl £15 1 do £10£75..0..0
To ¼ negro girl £7.10.6 hogs £3.12.3, sows £2.5.1, 1 horse £5.18..7..0
To 1 mare and colt £7.10, 1 bed & furniture £6.10 1 do £4 1 do £4.22..0..0
To counterpin £1.5, 1 do 15/. 1 oval table £1.10 1 chest of drawers 10/.3..15..0
To 1 large (torn) do 2/6, 17 chairs 35/6 1 old trun (torn)2..19..3
To 1 man's sa(ddle...s) pice mortar 11/2..11..0
(The last entries on page 318 are mutilated.)
To a parcel of books 6/, 1 bowl 2 glasses &c 5/9 1 candle stick 1/0..12..9
To 1 pair of flat irons 4/6 hand-saw 7/6 bag 1/ link and plain iron 1/30..13..3
To 1 pair of cards 9d table cloth & towels 2/9. 2 butter potts 3/, 2 bed steads 13/61..0..0
To 1 table 3/ iron potts and hooks 10/ funnel 1/ 2 trays 6d 1 frying pan 6d 0..15..0
To 1 spitt 3/3, 2 spinning wheels 10/ 1 knife and 4 forks 1/, 2 pott-racks 15/1..9..3
To 3 hides 14/. 2 hoes 2/. 4 casks 6/6 old iron 1/6 30 hhd flatt £2021..4..0
To a parcel of cloaths £3.10 11 ½ barrls of corn @ 10/ £5.159..5..0
To barrels of corn @ 5/ 3 ½ bushls of wheat @ 2/6 9 lb. Of tallow @ 7 ½d 0..9..4 ½
To 5l lb. cotton @ 3 & ¾ 15/11 & ¼ 1 ½ of spun do 4/3 1 ½ do @ 2/6 3/91..9..¾
To 1500 pipe staves @ £7 per thousand, 1650 hhd do @£5 1660 do barrel @ £323..8..7
To 330 clap-boards @ 50/ per thousand0..16..6

Daniel Dixon
Thos Pescud
Robert Presson

Returned into York (County Court) the 16th day of March 1767 and ordered to be recorded
Thos Everard Cl.Cur.