In obedience to an order of Yourk county bearing date the 16th. day of February 1767 we Aaron Phillips Edmund Curtis and William Aduston Rogers being first sworn have appraised the estate of John Goodwin deceased inot current money to wit

1 negro man named Anthony £ 40, 1 do. Jacob 55£ 95..0..0
1 negro man named Humphrey 55, 1 do. Orsey 60115..0..0
1 negro man Peter £55 one do. Frank £45, 1 do Will £55155..0..0
1 negro boy Lawrence £ 35, one do. Phill £ 1853..0..0
1 boy Pompey £ 20, 1 do. Dick £ 20, 1 do. Ben £1252..0..0
1 boy do. Orsey £ 15, 1 do. [... £10 Ma]tthias £1035..0..0
1 negro woman Hann[ah...] Nanny50..0..0
1 negro woman Lu[... & child]40..0..0
1 do Nell and c[hild?]55..0..0
1 negro woman a[nd child?]60..0..0
1 negro woman a[nd child]80..0..0
1 do Milly [torn]55..0..0
1 do. wo[man] 37.10/82..10..0
1 negro girl Frank £42.10 1 do. Pegg £3072..10..0
1 do. called Grace £ 32.10, 1 do Betty £32.1065..0..0
1 negro girl do Esther 22.10/, 1 do Patt £1032..10..0
1 do Sarah £15, 1 do Jenny £12.1027..10..0
6 stears £ 7.10/ 2 cows and calve £ 512..10..0
10 cows £ 17.10/ 16 2year-olds £1633..10..0
7 one year old £ 4.7.6 one old cow £15..7..6
67 sheep and 11 lambs33..10..0
18 hogs at 9/ and 15 piggs@ 1/69..4..6
1 riding chair £8, 35 barrls. Corn @ 12/629..17..6
1 best bed furniture £ 8 2 d do. £ 1220..0..0
1 bed do. £ 5, 2 do. £6, 23 lb. Feathers @ 1/6 £ 1.1612..16..0
4 table cloths and two towels 16/, 22 yds. Irish linen @ 2/93..16..6
17 yard Irish linen @ 2/9, 6 ydes do. @ 2/63..1..9
9 ells oznabrigs at 1/3, 11 yds brown roles @ 9d.0..19..6
1 chest 10/ a parcel of leather 3/6, a parcel of books £22..13..9
1 chest 7/6, 1 trunk 5/, 1 do. 3/ & stone potts 10/1..2..6
1 writing desk 3/9 one small square table 2/60..6..3
1 looking glass 1£10/. One desk £ 2.104..0..0
1 silver tankard 1 tumbler 6 table spoons, 6 tea do.5..0..0
1 corner cupboard £ 1.2.6, 12 leather chairs £34..2..6
1 table 15/, 1 do. 7/6 6 flagg charis 6/1..8..6
4 guns £ 6[torn] £ 2.108..10..0
[The entries at the bottom of page 328 are mutilated.]
A parcel of 20d. nails £4.10.10, a parcel of 10d. do. £6.19.611..10..4
A parcel of 8d. nails £ 5.6.6 ½ 10m. do. 8d. 7/8..16..6 ¼
1 seyne and ropes £ 4 new coile of rope £ 1.15/5..15..0
1 case and 12 bottles 20/, 1 cold still £3 spoon moulds 8/.4..8..0
1 warming pan & tea kettle 7/6, 30 broad hoes £6 two axes 3/96..11..3
A parcel of seyne leads and corks 5/ 255lb. Cotton £ 2.16.33..1..3
20 lb. Cotton do. £ 1.10 one ox chain 7/61..17..6
1 old case and 4 bottles 5/ old chest 12/6, wheat sieve 7/61..5..0
11 knives & forks 9/ 4 dishes and 12 plates £ 22..9..0
4 dishes 12 plates and bason 23/ 18 lb. Old pewter 9/ 1 saddle 10/ 4 iron wedges 10/2..12..0
1 pair of scales 2/ 6 reap hooks & scythe 10/ a parcel of old iron 5/0..17..0
2 old saws 12/6 1 pair of iron dogs 1 pair of flat irons and frying pan 20/1..12..6
2 pott racks & 2 spitts 22/6. 2 large potts and hooks £1.10 two copper kettles £911..12..6
2 bell metal skillets 10/ some milk pans £1.2 1..12..0
2 spinning wheels and 3 pair cards 10/ a parcel of lumber 8/. A parcel of [torn] £1.102..8..0
15 pork barrels £[torn] stones £1.5, 1 tumbrel [torn]5..7..6
1 cart and wheels [torn] 1 broad ax 3 [torn3..8..0
9 old hoes [torn] 12 lb. Tallow [torn]2..11..6
37 hides [torn]5..13..6
3 grubbing axes 2 fleshing knives a spade and one pestle0..10..0
1 iron dogg and firetongs 3/ 788 lb. Bacon @ 6d. 161 lb. Of hogg's lard @ 5d. £3.7.123..4..1
£1465..10..5 ¼

In obedience to an order of York court bearing date the 16th. day of Feby. 1767 we the subscribers have met and appraised in current money the slaves and personal estate of John Goodwin deceased as witness our hands this 18th. Day of May 1767

Aaron Phillips
William Adeuston Rodgers
Edmund Curtis

Returned into York county court the 18th. day of may 1767 and ordered to be recorded
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.