An account of the appraisement of Joseph Pullett's goods May 25th. 1767 By Alexander Craig James Craig James Stevenson and William Sealy Lane

1 mahoggany desk£5.0.0
1 mahoggany four-foot table2.0.0
1 mahoggany corner-table1.5.0
1 mahoggany side-table1.0.0
1 walnut oval table large1.15.0
1 walnut oval table small1.0.0
2 square walnut tables3.10.0
1 walnut card-table2.0.0
3 square pine tables 1/ each1.0.0
½ dozen open black walnut chairs hair bottoms4.10.0
½ dozen plain walnut chairs hair bottoms3.0.0
1 dozen common chairs with brass nails1.10.0
1 chair0.2.6
9 rush-bottom chairs0.13.6
1 bed rug pair sheets4.10.0
3 bed steads1.0.0
5 pillow [cases...table] cloths 100/ 2 towels 4d.5.2.10
1 china [torn]0.1.3
2 china [torn]1.0.0
3 decanters0.4.3
[The entries at the bottom of page 342 are mutilated.]
½ dozen stone plates 1/6, 8 images 20/1.1.6
4 pair of iron candle sticks0.3.9
3 pair of brass candle-sticks0.10.0
2 bisquet pans 2/6, 2 salt cellars 7½d.0.3.1½
2 tea potts 7d. 1 mug 1/30.1.10½
2 coffee-potts 2/6, 1 wash bason 6d.0.3.0
1 doz and 2 pewter dishes2.10.0
3 doz pewter plates2.5.0
2 chafing dishes 7/6, 1 sugar dish 6d.0.8.0
1 writing desk0.12.6
2 plate baskets 10/, 1 tin oven 7½d.0.10.7½
1 sugar canister 2/, 1 pair steelyards 7/60.9.6
2 water juggs0.2.0
5 dish-covers 6/30.6.3
1 delph butter-boat 6d 1 brass cocke 2/60.3.0
1 kitchen-jacks doggs4.0.0
1 pair of small doggs0.3.9
1 pair of tongs and a shovel0.2.6
1 bell 5/ 1 trumpet 2/60.7.6
2 French-horns1.0.0
11 chamber potts0.10.0
2 silver tea-spoons0.3.9
1 dozen knives 44 fo[rks?]0.10.0
9 mahogany can[torn]0.9.0
2 dozen and 3 [torn]2.5.0
2 tea boards [torn]0.7.6
[The entries at the bottom of page 343 are mutilated.]
6 washing tubbs0.6.0
3 water-pales0.3.0
1 half-bushel0.1.3
1 dutch-oven1.10.0
1 baggammon table0.15.0
1 callendar0.1.6
1 fish kettle0.7.6
1 hair-broom 1/6 2 scrubbing brushes 2/60.4.0
1 broom for dusting 1/30.1.3
1 plate warmer 10/0.10.0
4 glass patty-pans0.2.0
1 dripping-pan and stewers0.7.6
1 glass pyramid1.0.0
2 grid-irons0.7.6
5 china custard cups0.3.9
3 wooden punch ladles0.2.0
2 pickle leaves0.0.7½
1 bed-quilt0.15.0
1 pair of flatt irons0.5.0
5 dozen of wine and bottles5.0.0
8 dozen of empty bottles @ 30/ P groce1.0.0
1 cash and some hog's lard0.2.6
1 jugg and some wine0.2.6
1 old kitch[en ?]0.5.0
2 iron sp[itts]0.7.6
1 kettle [torn]0.12.6
1 stew pan0.4.0
[The entries at the bottom of page 344 are mutilated.]
1 cheese toaster0.0.7½
6 candle stands0.1.6
1 traug0.7.6
6 stone patty-pans0.1.0
2 Pott-racks0.7.6
£ 83.13.6½

In obedience to an order of York court bearing date the 18th. day of May 1767 We the subscribers being first sworn before John Prentis gentleman have appraised in current money the remainder part of Joseph Pulletts estate deceased being put by the said order into the sheriff of York's hands.

Alexr. Craig
James Craig
James Stevenson
William Sealy Lane

Returned into York county court the 15th. day of June 1767. and ordered to be recorded
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.