In Compliance with an order of the Worshipfull Court of York bearing date the 16th. day of March 1761 we the sub scribers being first sworn have appraised the Estate of Hilsman Thomas decd.

To his Part of his Mothers Estate£31.3.5 ¼
To 1 Yoke Steers £5.10, To 6 Cows, 1 Yearling and 2 Calves19.10.0
To 1 Sow and 5 shotes 22/6. To 3 Mares and 2 old Saddles &c7.15.0
To 1 young Horse2.10.3
To 2 Feather Beds and furniture5.10.0
To 2 Iron pots spit and frying pan 20/ To 1 Gun 15/1.15.0
To a Parcel of old Puter 27/3. To Knives and forks 3/61.10.9
To 2 Candle Sicks and 2 Wine Glasses0.2.6
To 1 Pepper box and Salt 7 ½ d. To a Parcel of old Books 2/6 0.3.1½
To 1 Tea pot, Cups, Saucers &. 3/. To 1 Looking Glass 6d. 0.3.6
To 1 Sifter and Sarce 1/3. To Flat Irons, Handsaw Froe, Bottles; &c0.16.6
To 1 Pair Cart Boxes 5/ Shoemakers tools, and some Leather1.14.0
To 1 Walnut Table and 1 Pine Do.0.17.0
To 2 Chests and 1 Trunk 18/ To 7 Chairs 7/1.5.0
To 1 old safe 1 old Trunk 3/6. To 2 lb. Indigo 7/60.11.0
To 3 earthen pots, 5 pans Do. 7/6. To Lumber 4/0.11.6
To 1 Old Loomb handmill. Tub raw hides &c1.9.6
To spinning wheel, Cards, Broad Ax &c0.6.6
To a parcel Tallow Wax, Basket and some yarn0.4.6
To 27 lb. Cotten 2 old hoes, Grindstone and [illegible] Parcel of Tops Table Cloth &c1.4.3
To 1 pair fire Tongues [torn] Wedges0.10.9
To 1 fluke hoe 2/ [torn] £24.0.0 ½£24.11.0 ½
To Cash[no value listed]

[The oath of the appraisors and the order to record the inventory are mutilated.]

Recorded [20 July 1761]