Pursuant to an order of York County Court dated the 17th. Day of August 1767. We the Subscribers being first Sworn before Augustine Moore Gent [one of] his Majesty's Justices of the Peace of the said County [have appra]ised the Estate of Gerrard Roberts [deceased as f]ollows

3 cows at 40/ each£ 6.0.0
2 Heifers at 35/ each3.10.0
1 Do [torn]4.0.0
[The entries at the bottom of page 373 are mutilated.]
1 Cart and Wheels and Stear Yoke0.16.0
12 old Cyder Casks 48/. 4 Casks 1 partly made & some Timber 20/3.8.0
1 Flax-brake 6/. a parcel of Flax & Flax-seed 10/0.16.0
7 old Casks 10/6. 5 Hogsheads Cyder £
6 Broad Hoes 15/. a parcel old Iron 10/1.5.0
1 Bedstead 4/. a Jugg and a Jarr 2/60.6.6
1 Bedstead 8/. 2 Spinning Wheels 9/0.17.0
1 Cagg and a Fluke Hoe 4/. 1 new Broad Hoe 5/0.9.0
2 Bags Feathers 40/. 1 Ox Chain 8/. 1 Iron Pestle &c 5/2.13.0
1 Cask, Cow Hide and some leather0.10.0
2 Stone Pots and 2 Chamber Pots0.5.0
1 Chest 4/. 1 Table 2/. A parcel Wooden Ware 8/0.14.0
A parcel Cooper's Tools0.18.0
A Case of Knives & Forks 2 Skimmers & flesh fork0.8.0
4 Pewter Dishes 15/. 5 Basons 10/. 11 Plates 11/1.16.0
12 Pewter Plates0.18.0
1 old Churn and 2 small Casks0.3.0
A parcel Tin Ware 2/. A parcel Earthen Ware 17/0.19.0
1 Pail, Sifter, and Search0.3.9
1 Copper Kettle5.0.0
2 Skillets 12/6. 1 Dripping Pan, frying Pan & Funnell 3/0.15.6
2 Spits 7/. 1 Man's Saddle 10/0.17.0
1 China Dish 7/6. 1 Silver Cup 50/2.17.6
1 Case Draw[torn] Oval Table 7/62. 7.6
1 Oval Table [torn] Table 6/1. 1.0
6 Leather Ch[airs] 7 do.1.14.0
6 flag chairs [Spinning] Wheel 12/61.19.6
1 Coffee Pott [torn] 1 Warm? Pan 1/30.16.3
2 Guns, Sword [torn]1. 5.0
4 Books [torn]0.19.0
1 Box [torn]0. 6.0
2 Fishing Lin[es...]0. 3.6
2 Tea Pots [torn]0.10.0
1 looking Glass 10/. 1 Chest 3/90.13.9
1 Pair Fire Tongs, Snuffers & Candlestick0.3.0
3 Table Cloths0.7.0
1 Bed and Furniture 6£. 1 Do. £3.10/9.10.0
1 Rug and part of a Suit of Curtains0.15.0
2 Iron Pots, Pothooks and Racks0.15.0
A parcel Wooden Ware0.5.9
1 Negroe Man named Malichi50.0.0
1 Do. Do. Johnny,50.0.0
1 Do. Tom 40.0.0
1 Do. Frank20.0.0
1 Do. Ranter50.0.0
1 Negroe Woman Phebe5.0.0
1 Do. Jenny45.0.0
1 Do. Hannah40.0.0
1 Do. Rachel30.0.0
1 Do. Dinah45.0.0
1 Do. Beck15.0.0
1 Negroe Child Sall10.0.0
1 Do. Fanny15.0.0
1 Negroe Girl Patt20.0.0
1 Do. Beck18.0.0
1 Negroe Boy Dann25.0.0
£ 568.9.6

[Edward] Tabb
T[homas] Tomer

Retu[rned into York County] Court the 21st. day of December 1767 and ordered to be reco]rded
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.