An Appraisment of the Estate of Mrs. Susannah Reynolds Deceased

33¼ Bushels Indian Corn @ 9/ brl£2.19.10
247 lb. Bacon @ 7½d.7.14.4½
3 lb. Hyson on Tea @ 25/3.15.0
35 Gals Vinegar @ 6d.0.17.6
19½ lb. Lard @ 6d.0.9.9
3½ Bushels Wheat @ 4/0.14.0
27 lb Butter @ 7½d.0.16.10½
40 Ells Oznabgs.@ 1/32.10.0
14¼ Yrds figd. Russ. Towelling @ 9d.0.10.8¼
3½ Yds Sheeting Linen @ 2/60.8.9
16 Yds Fearnought @ 3/62.16.0
20½ Ells Rolls @ 10d .0.17.1
1½ yds white Plains @ 2/0.3.0
9 Dutch Blankets @ 10/4.10.0
27 lb. Soap @ 6d.0.13.6
5 lb. Candles @ 1/0.5.0
128 lb. Pickled Pork @ 4d.2.2.8
9½ lb. Coffee [@ 1½]0.14.3
1 Milch Cow [torn]3.15.0
8½ Gals. Molasses @ 2/0.17.0
2 Bottles Snuff @ 3/0.6.0
2 old Sack Bags @ [no value listed]0.3.9
£ 38. 0.04

Pursuant to [an order of York County Court] bearing date the 18th. day of April 1768. [We the Subscribers being first] Sworn have met and Appraised [the estate] of Mrs. Susannah Reynolds deceased agreeable to the above Schedule
April 19th. 1768 .

Thomas Archer
William Cary
Edward Cary

Returned into York County Court the 15th Day of August 1768 and ordered to be Recorded
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.