Appraisment of the Estate of Doctor Benjamin Catton

1 Dozn. & 11 China Plates £ 2.10/. 5 Pictures £ 2£ 4.10.0
1 White Stone Dish 2 Sallad Do. 6 Patty Pans 1 Strainer 1 Butter Boat & 1 Punch Ladle0.12.6
1 Pewter Quart Pot 4/6. 1 Warming Pan 15/. 1 Gun £ 44.19.6
1 Pr. Pistols 15/. 1 Sword 12/6. 1 Pr. Brass Candlesticks & 1 flat Do. 12/62.0.0
1 Pr Tongs & Shovel & 1 Pr. Doggs £2.10/. 1 Pocket Book & 1 Ink-stand 10/03.0.0
1 Paper Knife & 6 Trenchers 5/3. 1 Pewter Ink-stand 7/60.12.9
2 Boxes Surgeon's Instruments &c18.0.0
1 Book 20/. 2 dO. £ 1.10/. 7 do. £2. 8 do. £ 26.10.0
40 smaller l do. £ 4. 22 do. £ 3. 34 do. £ 5.1012.10.0
25 small do. 25/. 30 Books & some Magazines 25/2.10.0
1 Steel Pen-maker, 1 Nail Cutter & 1 Pr. Pinchers0.5.0
1 Case with 11 Bottles 15/. 1 Small Chest 2/60.17.6
1 Letter Case 10/. 6 Tumblers & 1 Glass Can 7/0.17.0
½ Dozn. Wine Glasses 6/. 1 Stand and Casters 12/60.18.6
2 Bowls 5/. 1 Mahogany Corner Cupboard 45/2.10.0
1 Square Mahogany Table 30/. 1 Walnut Dressing Table 35/ 3.5.0
1 Smoaking Chair 12/6. 1 Leather Easy Chair £33.12.6
4 old Pictures in frames 5/. 2 Glass Salts 1/6. 1½ Dozn.H. M. Plates 35/2.1.6
4 Dishes 25/. 4 ps. Wood Ware 8/. 1 lanthorn & 2 Bird Cages 8/2.1.0
1 pr. flat Irons 4/. 1 Saddle Bridle &c 50/ 2.14.0
3 pr. Sheets & 2 Pillow Cases £3. 1 Counterpain 15/3.15.0
1 Pr. Blankets & 1 Rugg 55/. 2 Brushes 2/6. 1 Pr. kitchen Dogs 32/64.10.0
1 large Pot 12/6. 1 Copper Kettle £3.10/4.2.6
1 Grid Iron and Chaffing Dish 10/ [torn] Ware £1212.10.0
1 Tumbrel £3.10/. 1 Sacking [bottom?] Bedstead 35/5.5.0
1 large Chest 20/. 2 yds Velvet £3. 1 Pr Silk Stockgs 20/ 5.0.0
1 Watch £3. 1 pr. Gold Ear-Rings £
1 Sett Broach1.0.0
1 Suit Black Cloth Cloaths6.0.0
1 Do. snuff colour'd [Do.?]6.0.0
1 Do. blue grey [Do.?]4.10.0
1 Black Crape [torn]6.5.0
1 Negro Man Casar [torn]265.0.0
David £ 35 Ja[ ]60.0.0

Pursuant to an Order of York Court We the Subscribers have Appraised in Current Money the Slaves and Personal Estate of Doctor Benjamin Catton deced. as above. Given under our Hands this Eighteenth day of November 1768.

John Gibbons
Thos. Gibbons
Law. Smith junr.

Returned into York County Court the 21st. day of November 1768 and ordered to be Recorded
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.