In obedience to an order of York County Court bearing date the 19th. of December 1768, wherein it is ordered that John Patrick, William Patrick, William Robinson, and Thomas Hunt do Appraise the Slaves and Personal Estate of Samuel Drewry deceased. We the Subscribers after being Sworn have met and Appraised the said Estate as follows.

Negroe Charles£ 55.0.0
A Yoke of Steers6.0.0
6 Cows and Yearlings7.12.6
8 Head of Sheep £ 4. 9 Shoats & Sow £ 2.15/6.15.0
1 Bed & Furniture £4. 2 ditto £ 59.0.0
A Chest of Drawers 5/. A linnen Wheel 5/0.10.0
A Walnut Table 5/. a small ditto 2/0.7.0
2 Chests 10/. 8 flagg Chairs & small looking Glass 9/60.19.6
A Table Cloath, 2 Towells, and a Brush0.5.0
a Parcel of Leather £ 1.7. a Parcel of Books 3/1.10.0
6 Delph Plates 2/6. a Case of Knives and Forks 5/0.7.6
A Pr. Steelyards 2/6. Some Bottles & Stone Ware 4/0.6.6
A pair of Fire Tongs 1/3. a Candlestick 4d.0.1.7
400 lb. Meat @ 20/. P Hd. £4. 3 fatt Pots & Iron Do. 11/4.11.0
4 lb. Soap @ 7½d. 2/6. 3 lb. of Tallow 2/0.4.6
Ox Chain Hoops & Boxes & Iron Pestle1.1.6
3 Axes 7/6. a Parcel of old Hoes 2/60.10.0
a frying Pan 5/. Collar & Hames 8d.0.5.8
An old Horse 10/. 3 Bushels of Salt 6/0.16.0
A parcel of Tubs & 1 Tray 5/6. 2 Sack Bags 2/60.8.0
2 Bushels of Pease 4/. 1 Butt & Barrell of Cotton 7/0.11.0
A Bushels of Wheat & Cask 7/. 2 Butts of Cyder 45/2.12.0
A Cask of Ditto 12/6. a Saddle Tree 2/0.14.6
3 Basons a Porringer & 9 Spoons 4/. a Tankard 1/30. 5.3
8 Spoons & Earthen Pan ½. 16 Plates 8/. 3 Dishes 6/60.15.8
2 Iron Pots & Hook [...12/]6 a Hand Mill 8/1.0.6
a Spinning Wheel 3/9. a Meal Sifter 1/. a Spitt 4/0.8.9
4 Reap Hooks ¼. a side Saddle Tree 5/ . Cards 1/0.7.1
A Tub & 3 Pales [4/] . a Ley Tub 1/6. a Web of Cloth 42/2.6.6
600 lb. Tobo. @ [20/ P] Hd6.0.0
A Set of [torn] Gigg 2/60.10.6
3 Kn[ives...] 8d.0.1.4
[The entries at the bottom of page 437 are mutilated.]
A Loom and Geer 6/. 3 lb. Wool 2/0.8.0
Cash in the House4.17.9
1 Fluke Hoe 5/. a Chamber Pott 1/0.6.0
A Gun Barrell & Lock0.5.0
£ 126.17.4

John Patrick
William Robinson
Thomas Hunt

Returned into York County Court the 20th. day of February 1769 and ordered to be Recorded
Thos Everard Cl. Cur.