Inventory and Appraisment of the Estate of Mrs. Mary Prentis deceased taken August 9th. 1768.

1 Cabinett£ 4.0.0
1 Easy Chair6.0.0
1 Side Saddle3.10.0
Her Stock in Trade1035. 0.3
Sundry Debts due to and from the Testatrix to be brought to Account hereafter[1048.10.3]

John Prentis
Wm Prentis

[Either the last value and the total of the appraisal were not entered or they have been obliterated.]

In obedience to an order of York Court we the Subscribers have Appraised the Estate of Mary Prentis decd according to the above Appraisment

Alexr. Craig
Anthy. Hay
Blovet Pasteur
Edwd. Charlton

Retu[rned into York County] Court the 19th. day of June 1769 and [Ordered to be Recorded]
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.