Inventory and Appraisment of the Estate of William Waters deceased

1 Negro Man Daniel£ 45..0..0
1 Do Jacob60..0..0
1 Do Soloman 60..0..0
1 Do Minnie55..0..0
1 old Wench Chocolate15..0..0
1 Wench Sarah40..0..0
1 Do Betty40..0..0
1 Do Lucy 40..0..0
1 Do Cumfort 35..0..0
1 Do Mary 20..0..0
1 Boy Jack40..0..0
1 Girl Priscilla35..0..0
1 Boy Ben30..0..0
1 Do James25..0..0
1 Girl Parthena15..0..0
1 Boy Minny10..0..0
1 Do App8..0..0
1 Girl Phillis8..0..0
1 Do Tamar5..0..0
1 Do Nanny3..0..0
1 Do Catharine3..0..0
1 Boy Harry6..0..0
1 old Yellow Horse Pompey0..5..0
1 Do Bailey1..5..0
1 old Horse Fitzhugh5..0..0
1 Do Holland3..0..0
1 old Mare Jenny5..0..0
1 old Horse Ball0..5..0
1 ditto Bounce2..10..0
1 Mare Mettle6..0..0
1-3 year old Colt3..10..0
1-2 Year old Do1..5..0
4 Work Steers 8..0..0
3 4 Year old Steers. 4..10..0
18 Cows and Young Cattle18..0..0
11 Calves and Young Cattle2..15..0
50 Sheep @ 5/12..10..0
20 Shoats5..0..0
1 Sow with Pigs0..15..0
1 Do with Pig0..10..0
23 Hogs fattening21..2..0
6 Ploughs0..15..0
4 old Harrows0..7..6
6 Logwood Axes0..18..0
6 Broad Hoes0..12..0
4 Hilling Hoes0..6..0
3 Grubbing Hoes0..7..6
3 Iron Pots 1 Kettle and Hook1..2..6
1 Frying Pan and Sifter0..3..6
3 Buckets0..4..0
1 Hand Mill2..0..0
1 Loom1..0..0
(The entries at the bottom of page 466 are mutilated) (no slaves)&#160
1 Keg of Brandy2..0..0
3 Pots of Butter2..0..0
2 empty Butter Pots0..3..9
1 Do0..2..6
5 Milk Pans and 2 Jars0..6..6
1 Pr New Wane Wheels2..10..0
1 Cask with some Wheat0..15..0
2 Yokes and two Chains1..0..0
1 Grind Stone0..5..0
1 Parcel of unbroken Flax3..0..0
1 Tobacco Hogshead0..2..6
1 Linnen Wheel0..17..6
1 old Trunk and surveying Chain0..5..0
1 Flower Box0..0..6
1 Pr old Steelyards0..5..0
1 Pr Ditto0..7..6
1 Parcel of Carpenters Tools0..10..6
1 Small Schooner Peggy15..0..0
1 Wane and Wheels1..0..0
1 small Petty Augre0..12..0
1 Steer2..0..0
216 Bushels of Oats @ 17d15..6..0
286 Barrels of Corn, and two Bushels @ 7/6107..8..0
Parcel of Fodder1..0..0
3 Scythes0..8..0

At the Hungar's Plantation

Half the Sloop Endeavor and Canoe36..0..0
1 Negro Man Sambo10..0..0
1 old Ditto Tea (lame)1..10..0
1 Negro Man Stephen35..0..0
1 Do Rich60..0..0
1 Do James50..0..0
1 Do Tom45..0..0
1 Do Luke40..0..0
1 very old Wench Coffee0..1..0
1 Negro Woman Nan [ ]40..0..0
1 Do Tama [R30..0..0
1 Do Esther35..0..0
1 Boy J [ ]30..0..0
1 Negro Boy Sam25..0..0
1 Do Aneas20..0..0
1 Do Manuel8..0..0
1 Do Soloman6..0..0
1 Do Will5..0..0
1 Negro Girl Grace25..0..0
1 Do Cate7..0..0
1 Do Rose6..0..0
1 Parcel of Walnut Plank25..0..0
7 Walnut Stocks2..10..0
1 Corn Cradle0..7..6
18 Bushels of Pease @ 1/91..11..6
106 Bushels of Oats @ 16d7..1..4
3 Do Flax Seed @ 4/0..12..0
49 Hogs Young and Old39..9..0
2 Wheel Barrows0..7..6
9 Broad Hoes0..12..0
4 Narrow ditto0..5..0
3 Grubbing ditto0..5..0
7 Axes0..12..6
1 old Grind Stone0..0..6
1 Pr Mill Stones5..0..0
1 Bar and 2 Pieces of Iron0..5..0
1 Curry Comb and Brush0..6..0
1 Pr small hand Mill Stones0..5..0
1 Parcel of Carpenter's Tools0..10..0
1 Half Bushels0..1..3
1 cut Saw1..5..0
1 Whip Saw1..10..0
4 Scythes & 2 Crades0..10..0
1 Cart and Wheels2..0..0
1 Horse Snip3..0..0
1 Blooded Mare 7..0..0
1 White Horse Brandy2..0..0
1 Hand Mill and Stones2..10..0
3 Iron [Pots?]1..2..6
1 Curry[ing Knife?]0..7..6
1 Pr Steelyards [torn]0..7..6
5586 lb. Tobo @ 15/ P Cr [?]41..8..2½
360 & 4/5 Barrels of Corn @ 7/635..6..0
2 Barrels0..2..6
35 Gallons of Brandy @ 2/3..10..0
1 Parcel of Tops and Blades4..5..0
1 Parcel of Shingles6..0..0
8 Ploughs @ 2/61..0..0
4 Harrows0..12..0
1 Canoe0..15..0
1 Raw Hide0..2..0
4 Iron Hoops0..3..9
1 Iron and 1 Wooden Seive0..5..0
4 Work Steers8..0..0
1 Ox Wane, Yoke and Chains2..10..0
48 Sheep12..0..0
41 Cattle Young and Old36..0..0
1 Cyder Basket0..1..6
1 Blooded Horse Project12..0..0
1 Black Stallion7..0..0
1 Sorrell Mare and Colt0..15..0
1 Black Mare1..10..0
1 Horse Maximus8..0..0.
160 Bushels Wheat22..0..0
Store Goods on hand255..8..6

We the Subscribers being first Sworn before a Justice of the Peace for the said County have Appraised in Current Money the Personal Estate of William Waters deceased agreeable to an Order of York Court bearing the [blank] day of [blank] 1767.

John Bowdoin
Walter Hyslop
Griffin Stith

Returned into York County the 21st day of August 1769 and Ordered to be Recorded
[Thos] Everard Cl. Cur.

[An inventory of Water's estate in York County precedes this appraisal; an inventory of his Halifax County estate follows.]

3 Axes 21/. Parcel of old Iron 27/2..8..0
2 Augers and Drawing Knife 1/3. 2 Pots 8/0..9..3
1 Mare3..10..0
1 Do1..10..0
Roan Horse6..0..0

Evan Ragland
David Wall
Benjamin Bosley

Retur[ned into York Cou]nty Court the 21st Day of August 1769 an[d Ordered to do Record]ed.
Thos Everard Cl. Cur.

[Inventories of Waters's estate in York and Northampton Counties precede this appraisal]