An Inventory of the Appraisment of the Slaves and Personal Estate of Samuel Hill deceased vizt.

1 Negroe Man named Jamey @£ 50.0.0
1 Do. named Adam @55.0.0
1 Negroe Woman named Doll and her Child Will @60.0.0
1 Do. named Sarah and her Child Pegg @60.0.0
1 Do. named Sue and her four Children by name, Sall, Moll, Nan and Judith @125.0.0
1 Negroe Boy named Daniel @ 30.0.0
1 Do. named Jack @30.0.0
1 Negroe Girl named Hester @45.0.0
1 Negroe Woman named Doll @20.0.0
1 Do. named Nan @50.0.0
8 Cows @ £16. 2 Bulls @ £2 .10/18.10.0
4 Heifers @ £4. 2 Bulls @ 30/. & 5 Calves @ 40/7.10.0
2 Sows @ 30/. 16 Shotes @ 23/ & 4 do. @ 5/ ea. is 20/3.13.0
1 Sow and 4 Pigs @ 12/. 1 Canoe @ 25/1.17.0
1 Horse £10 1 Mare 10/10.10.0
1 Riding Chair @ 8£. 12 Black Walnut Chairs @ £ 7.10/15.10.0
1 Desk £ 5. 1 Table [ 35/. & 1 Do. @ 25/8. 0.0
1 Corner Cupboard @ 20/. 6 Rush Bottom'd Chairs 12/1.12.0
1 looking Glass 20/. 1 Trunk @ 5/. 1 Table C1 5/1.10.0
3 old Chests @ 6/. 4 old Tubs @ 4/0.10.0
a parcel of Crockery Ware and Bottles @0.5.0
10 lb. of Tallow @ 6/3. 3 lb. of Sugar @ 1/10½. 4 Iron Wedges 10/0.18.1½
50 lb. of Spinning Cotton @ 15/7½ Counterpanes @ 16/81.12.3
1 Feather Bed & Furniture 50/. 1 Do. 40/. 1 Do. £ 48.10.0
1 Table Cloth @ 8/. 1 Pair of Scales & Weights @ 5/0.13.0
1 Pr. of Iron Doggs & Shovel @ 4/. 1 Pr. of Doggs @ 10/0.14.0
1 Case of Razors & Strop @ 2/6. 3 Candlesticks @ 7/60.10.0
1 Chamber Pott @ 1/. 1 Spade & a parcel of old Iron @ 15/ 0.16.0
1 Spice Mortar 7/6. 1 Spinning wheel 8/0.15.6
a parcel of old Iron @ 20/. 1 Cart and Wheels 50/3.10.0
17½ Bushels of W [heat?]3.1.3
16 Barrels of Corn6.8.0
1 Stack of Tops [torn]1.15.0
8 Geese @ 10/. [torn]0.12.6
1 Iron Pott & 2 Water Pails @ 5/. 1 Pott Rack @ 5/0.10.0
1 Grind Stone @ 3/. 3 Hoggs @ 45/2.8.0
2 Turkeys 5/. 9 Cow Hides & 1 Skin @ £3.18/4.3.0
9 lb. of Soap fatt @ 4d. P lb.0.3.0
Cash in the House at the Time of his Death2.17.6
£ 634.4.2

Pursuant to an order of York County Court bearing date the 19th. Day of February 1770. We the Subscribers being appointed to Appraise the Slaves and Personal Estate of the above said Samuel Hill deceased being first Sworn before William Digges a Justice of the Peace for the said County have accordingly met and Appraised all such Estate as was brought before us of the said Deceased as above. Witness our Hands this 18th. of May 1770.
Jno. Dickeson
William Moody
William Baker
John Chapman

Returned into York County Court the 21st. day of May 1770, and ordered to be Recorded
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur: