An Inventory and appraisment of the Estate of Nathaniel Crawley Deced as follows

8 Walnut Chairs £ 5½ Doz. do. £ 3.3/ 1 doz. Do. £ 6£ 14..3..0
1 large Walnut table 50/. 1 Small Do. 30/. 1 Do. 15/4..15..0
1 Mahogany tea Table 50/. 1 Arm Chair 5/. 1 looking Glass 45/5..0..0
1 Pr. Iron Dogs and fire Tongs 11/. 1 Desk and Book Case £55..11..0
1 small walnut Table 15/. 1 square Pine Do. 7/61..2..6
1 large looking Glass 20/. Parcel of Rush bottom Chairs 8/1..8..0
parcel of handirons and tongs 10/ 1 Backgammon table 12/6 1..2..6
1 Cothes Brush 1/6 1 Stone mug 2/6 5 Do. 7/60..11..6
1 Walnut Desk 50/. 2 Bibles and prayer Book 40/4..10..0
Parcel of Books 25/. 1 square Table 5/. 1 Arm Chair 55/4..0..0
1 pair of Iron Dogs and Bellows 8/. 1 Bed and furniture £77..8..0
1 Stand 7/6 1 press £4 1 Chest of Draws & looking Glass 50/6..17..6
1 Bed and furniture £6.15/. 1 Chest 10/. 1 pair dog Irons 2/67..7..6
2 Pr. Flat Irons 11/3. 1 Bed and furniture £5 1 Do. £6.1012..1..3
1 Small walnut Table 3/9. 1 Bed and furniture £5.10[5]..13..9
1 Bed and furniture £4.10 1 Do. £3.10 1 Do. £4 1 Do. £315..0..0
1 Do. £5. 1 Do. £3.10 1 Do. £2.10 1 Do. £4.10 1 Do. £419..10..0
1 Closestool Chair 30/. 1 Bed and furniture £3 1 Do. £37..10..0
3 Beds and furniture at 50/ each7..10..0
1 large Chest 5/. 1 Bed and furniture 40/. 1 Do. 55/5..5..0
1 Woman's Saddle 40/ 2 Cradle 20/ [torn] Loom 3/93..3..9
1 large Chest 12/. [torn] 22/63..5..10
1 spinning Wheel 2/6. [torn]0..18..9
1 spinning Wheel 7/6. [torn]5..7..6
5 Rush Bottom Chairs 6/. 1 Bench 2/6. 4 Candle Stands 2/60..11..0
6 Casks 6/. 1 horse £5. 1 Do. £6 1 Do. 15/. 1 Mare £820..1..0
1 Gray horse £5. 1 bay Do. £12. 1 Do. £7. 1 Mare and Colt £630..0..0
8 head of Cattle £15. 1 Cart and Gear £11. 1 Do. 50/28..10..0
1 Man's Saddle 20/. 1 Do. 26/. 1 Sow and 2 Shoats 35/4 ..1..0
1 large Copper Kettle £3 1 small Do. 45/5..5..0
1 old brass Do. 17/6 1 Spice mortar and Pestle 25/2..2..6
1 Bell mettle Skillet 15/ 2 large Iron Pots 30/2..5..0
2 Potracks 12/6. 2 frying Pans 6/. 1 Spit 6/1..4..6
1 Pr. Handirons 5/. 1 Cole still 15/. 3 trays 4/1..4..0
Rubbing Brush 3/. 2 Ox Chains 20/. Tire and boxes for wheels 70/4..13..0
Parcel of old Iron 10/. 4 harrowteeth 16/3 1 Pr. Haimes 2/61..8..9
18 old reap hooks 5/. 1 tea kettle and trivet 10/0..15..0
Parcel of Carpenter's Tools 5/. 1 Bed pan 2/6 1 Copper Funnell 12/61..0..0
1 Gridiron 2/6 pair Stilliards 15/. 3 Jarrs 30/. 5 butter pots 15/3..2..6
9 Butter Firkins 5/. 1 Cullender 4/. 1 square pine Table 5/0..14..0
2 Coffee Pots 7/6. 6 brass Cendlesticks 20/. Candledish 1/1..8..6
1 Iron Candlestick and 4 Snuffers 2/6 1 dripping Pan 10/0..12..6
3½ doz. Pewter Plates 45/. 2 doz. Do. 10/. 1½ doz. Dishes6..5..0
Parcel of old pewter 12/6. 2 Iron Pots 12/61..5..0
Spice mortar and Pestle 7/6. 7 Plates and 1 Tub 11/30..18..9
24 Geese 40/. 1 bay horse £6. 11 matts 2/9. 9 Delf Bowles 10/8..12..9
7 Wine Glasses and waiter 6/. 4 Decanters 10/. 3 Tumblers 2/0..19..0
1 doz. delf Plates 5/. 13 Stone Do. 7/6 Lime Strainer 4d.0..12..10
A Coffee mill 3/9 ½ doz. Silver Table spoons £6 Soop Do. 40/8..3..9
[torn] Tea spoons and sugar Tongs 45/. Spoon boat & 3 Cannisters 3/7½2..8..7½
3 Salts 2/6. 5 China bowls 30/. 4 China Tea Cups & Saucers 6/1..18..6
1 Tea pot 1/6 ½ doz. stone Cups & 5 saucers 1/6 pr. Stillards 10/0..13..0
2 Musquets 37/6. 1 Case and 9 Bottles 20/. 1 Do. & 12 Bottles 30/4..7..6
1 Case and 2 bottles 7/6 7 Juggs 21/. Warming Pan 12/62..1..0
Pair of Pistols and holsters 70/. 2 Cutlasses & Bayonet 7/63..17..6
3 Casks 7/6. 1 lanthorn [torn] brass Cocks 8/6 1 Cow Bell 2/60..18..6
1 Sword 40/. Toast[er...] Pigs 25/3..17..0
1 Stack of Fodder [...Pil]low Cases 12/10..12..0
2 Table Cloths & 8 Towels 13/ Sugar Box 4/0..17..0
2 Pr. Muskets Curtains 15/. 11 Chamber Pots 10/1..5..0
3 doz. Bottles 7/6 Rum hhd 4/. 10 knives and 13 forks 10/1..1..6
1 pint. 1½ pint & 1 Gill pot & 2 funnels 8/. ½ Gallon Pot 2/60..10..6
Pr. Money Scales & weights 7/6 Chair and harness £1818..7..6
Cash in the house176..10..0
9 Chairs 18/. 7½ Bushels of Peas 22/6 9 old hoes 15/2..15..6
Parcel of Carpenters Tools 12/ parcel of old Iron 15/1..7..0
2 Iron Pots and Rack 15/. 1 Cart and Geer £5. 2 harrow hoes 7/66..26..6
122 Barrels of Corn at 10/61..0..0
6½ Do. of Rotten Do. 32/6. Corn shucks 32/3..4..6
1 Mare and Colt £6 3 Oxen £9 9 head of Cattle £13.1028..10..0
7 hogs £5.10 Grindstone 2/. Ox Yokes 2/6 Table 2/65..17..0
6 milk pans 3/. Table 5/. Tray 4/. fodder £44..12..0
Negroes. Paul £10. Peter £65. Jack £65. Abram £45185..0..0
Molly £60. Sarah £35 Betty £35 Else £45175..0..0
Moses £25 Sam £35 Anthony £70 Peter £15145..0..0
Frank £10 Judy £25 Moll £45 Cloe 20100..0..0
Biddy £15 George £50 Alex £25 Lucy £60150..0..0
Liddy £45 Pamela £30 Clary £1085..0..0
Emmanuel £50 Tom £30 David £30110..0..0
Ben £30 Ned £20 Bess £4090..0..0
Nan £50 Peg £45 Hannah £10105..0..0

Agreeable to an Order of York County Court bearing the Date the 18th. day of September 1769 We the Subscribers being first sworn have appraised in current money the Slaves and personal Estate of Nathaniel Crawley deced in the Counties of York & James City Given under our hands this 22nd. Day of November and year above written.

John Pierce

Rob Anderson

Daniel Prentis

Returned into York [County Court the 20th. day] of August 1770 ond Ordered to be recorded


[Thos. Everard] Cl.Cur.
