Pursuant to an order of York Court bearing Date December 17th. 1770. We the Subscribers being first sworn have Appraised in Current Money the Slaves and Personal Estate of John Howard Deceased as follows Vizt.

1 Negro Man Jamie £40 . 1 do. Sawney £ 50 . 1 do. Ben £ 55 £ 145.0.0
1 do. Crusoe £ 55 1 do. Sam £60. 1 Negro woman Judith 17£ 132.0.0
1 do. Kate £30. 1 do. Cutty £40. 1 do. Louisa £42.10 1 do. C[ £55]157.10.0
1 do. Hannah £42 .10. 1 do. Jenny £ 40. 1 do. Girl Sue £ [35] 117.10.0
1 do. Abigail £20. 1 do. Boy Hugh £20. 1 do. Jason £ 17.1057.10.0
1 do. Anthony £ 12.10. 1 do. Girl Bess 10. 1 do. Boy Caesar 7.1030.0.0
1 Sorrel Mare £ 6 1 Bay do. £ 8. 1 Sorrel Colt £822.0.0
3 Yokes of Oxen £7 each = £ 21. 10 Cows @ 50/ each £
7 Heifers £10.10 1 Young Stear £2. 4 small do. @ 25/ each £ 517.10.0
5 Yearlings @ 10/ each = 50/. 16 Sheep @ 8/ each = £
13 Fatting Hogs £ 13, 10 large (out) Shoats £ 4 . 13 small do. £3.520.5.0
4 Sows @ 12/6 each 50/. 4 Pigs @ 2/6 each 10/3.0.0
1 Ox Cart and Wheels £8. 3 Yokes Chains &c 15/8.15.0
30 Barrels of Corn @ 10/ Pr. Barrel £15. 15 Bushels of oats @ 1/3 . 15.18.9
9 Bushels of Wheat @ 4/6 = [£2.0.6...] or 45/4.5.6
[The entries at the bottom of page 532 are mutilated.]
2 Beds 1 bedstead and 1 rug £8. 3 bedquilts £5, 1 Blanket 10/ 13.10.0
2 Counterpanes 50/. 5 Pr of Sheets £5, 2 setts of Curtains £310.10.0
5 Pillow Cases 7/6. 1 House Clock £10. 1 large looking Glass £313.7.6
1 Silver hilted Sword £3, 1 Pr. Pistols 15/. 2 Guns 40/5.15.0
1 Hone and 6 Razors 12/6. 1 large Bible 26/. 2 common Prayer Book
1 Smoaking Chair 10/, 2 Old Desks 50/ 1 large oval table 30/4.10.0
2 Small do. 40/. 1 Tea do. 15/, 1 Candle do. 7/63.2.6
1 Silver Tankard £11. 1 do. Soop spoon 35/, 13 do. Table do. £8 20.15.0
7 do. Tea spoons and Tongs 20/, 2½ Dozen Stone Plates 20/ 2.0.0
2 China Bowles 5/. 2 Earthen do. 3/, 2 do. dishes 2/0.10.0
Some Cups, Saucers &c. 7/6. 6 Wine Glasses 5/2 Tumbler do. 1/30.13.9
1 Seel Skin Trunk 26/, 1 small do. 2/6. 4 Chests 30/2.18.6
1 Pine Table 3/. 11 Knives and forks 7/6. 12 Flag Chairs 18/1. 8.6
6 Leather do. 30/, 1 Pr. Iron dogs 10/, 1 Pr. Flat Irons & Shovel 5/.2.5.0
1 Pr. of Money Scales and Weights 7/6, 1 Pr. Cotton do. 5/0.12.6
1 Pr. flax Hackles £3.10. 20 Yards of Fearnought @ 3/6. £
3 Flax Wheels 40/, some Carpenters Tools 7/6. Shoemakers do. 6/2.13.6
1 Broad Ax 3/, 4 Narrow do. 7/6. 7 hoes 14/. 3 Spades 15/ 1.19.6
1 Grindstone 2/6, 1 Mans Saddle and Bridle 20/1.2.6
1 Pr. Tumbrel Wheels £4.10. 1 Cross cutt Saw 30/6.0.0
1 Large Copper Kettle £5. Small do. 20/, 1 large Iron pott 20/7.0.0
4 Small do. 25/, 1 large bell Metal Skellit 20/, 1 set Iron Wedges 7/ 2.12.0
3 Potracks and 4 Pr. hooks [£1) 1 grid Iron 2/. 2 Spitts 10/ 1.12.0
1 Tea Kettle and Trevitt 12/6. 1 Frying Pan 3/0.15.6
1 We[aving Loo]m 25/, Slays andHarnesses 10/1.15.0
3 Spinning Wheels [15/] 4 Pr. Cards 5/. 1 Flax br[a]ke 2/61.2.6
1 Pr. Rop[torn]ces 6/. 2 Pr hames 2/6, 1 Trussel 12/6 1.1.0
9 Stone Potts and 1 Jugg 29/, 2 Oil Juggs and Some Train oil 4/.1.13.0
9 Bushells of Peas 27/ 3 do. of Salt 6/, Parcel unbroke Flax 20/2.13.0
3 Hhds of Cyder £3. 9 Empty Casks 22/6. 14 do. Barrels 15/64.18.0
1 Large Canoe £10. 2 small do. 40/ 1 Grapli[nes?] Gauguos 3/612.3.6
2 Coils old Sceine rope 15/. Leads &c 5/, 2 old Chests 4/1.4.0
1 Iron Bound Kegg 2/6. 1 Spice Mortar & Pestle 7/6 Tubs pales &c 7/60.17.6
1 Pr. Steelyards 10/ 1 la lanthorn 2/6, 2 Candle Sticks & Snuffers 1/0.13.6
5 Wheel barrow 10/ 1 Case & Bottles 17/61. 7.6
7 Pewter Dishes 15/ . 5 do. Basons 10/ 12 hard metal Plates 2/61.7.6
[The entries at the bottom of page 533 are mutilated.]
12 lb. Weight of bees wax 9/. 10 do. Tallow 5/, 46 do. soap 23/1.17.0
17 do. pick'd Cotton 21/3d. 48 do. Unpicked 12/ 5 do. fine spun do. 15/1.18.3
67 do. dressed flax £4.3.9. 18 Dozen Empty Bottles 36/5.19.9
£ 987.12.0

Edmund Curtis
John Chisman.
Allen Chapman.

Returned into York County Court the 21st. day of January 1771. and ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.