An Inventory of the Estate of John Broadnax decd. taken & Sold September the 2d. 1719.

Three Cows, one narrow Stript Tick feather bed bolster one Pillow one quilt one blanket one pair of Calico Curtains & Vallens & Teaster one bedstead & Cord & matt one Chest of Drawers Six Turky work Chairs one other old bed & bolster &c. To Danl. Thomson 24.12.-
one Narrow Stript feather bed Tick one bolster Two pillows Two blankets one quilt & bedstead & Cord & hyde one pair Curtains & Vallins one Table cloth Six Napkins one pair of Course Sheets Two pair of fine Do. three Towels four Pillow Cases one Narrow Stript Tick feather bed one bolster one blanket Two pillows one quilt one pair of Hogd. Sheets one Suit of Curtains & Vallins & Curtain Rods & a Sacking bottomed bedstead one New York horse, all Sold to Jeremiah Hill 43.18.-
one large Table Six Rushia leather Chairs one Couch padd & pillow one Elbow Chair one Table one large looking Glass one close Stoole one pair of Scales & wts. one p of Stilliards one bell one Iron pot & hooks 3 brass Cocks one Kettle one pair of Tongs one pair of bellows one fender one pair of Iron Doggs 4 barrells of Corn Sold to Jeremiah Hill18.1.-
one broad Striped Tick feather bed one bolster Two pillows, Two blankets one matt one Rugg one bedstead & Cord a pair of old Curtains, Sold to Anthony Jesper 8.12.6
one broad Striped feather bed bolster one pilow Two blankets one quilt one M hide one bedstead, Sold to Peter Brewer 6.12.-
Six Turky work Chairs & one Table Sold to Robt. Laughton 4.3.-
one Table Cloth Six Napkins one pair of Course Sheets Two pair of fine Do. three Towels four pillow Cases Sold to Jno. Morris 5.17.-
one Table Cloth Six Napkins Two pair of Course Sheets Two pair of fine Do. three Towels three pillow Cases Sold to Frans. Sharp 6.1.-
Sold to John Kines the black Smith his time & the Tools for5.-.-
Six Rushia leather Chairs one Chest of Drawers one fish Kettle five Tinn milk panns Six soop plates Six common Do. Two small Kettles one Cullender Seven pattee panns Eight pweter dishes Two basons one box Iron & heaters a Stand one Skimmer one flesh fork & Ladle one Spitt one Tinn funel two brass Candlesticks one pott Rack one frying pan one Cleaver one Iron pott & hooks one pair of Doggs Sold to Richd. Davis11.16.-
a parcell of old earthen & bottles one Escrewtore Seven Lacker framed pictures Twelve Do. Indian Six Case knives & six forks four primers three Wire Sieves Two P of Cross garnets one Stock lock Two homony Sifters Six packs of Cards a parcell of Mohair & buttons a Shoe makers knife & St. Hughs bones one Safe Two brass looks three Tea Tables one Small looking Glass one Coffee pott three Coffee mills a pepper mill one pepper box one Coffee Roaster one Suggar box, Sold to John Jackson 26.3.6
One large looking Glass one Table Six leather Chairs three peices of blew Linen quon 78 yds. one piece of bro Oznabrs. quon. 38 ½ Ells 13 broad hoes 8 Narr. Do. 1 doz: Narrow Axes 5 old Gunns. Sold to Edwd. Ripping £ 15.2.-
one Table Seven leather Chairs two bass Do. one Childs Chair Sold to Benja. Right 2.-.6
Twelve a Rushia leather Chairs one Table one pair of Iron Doggs one fender one pair of Tongs one pair of bellows one warming pan one fire Shovel Sold to Henry Bowcock9.1.-
D[illegible] in the Smiths book & one horse whip 3.7.11
Nine pewter dishes three basons five Soup plates Six Do. common five old Do. one Tinn Candle box one pestle & mortar fourteen patty panns one Roling pin one pye pan Two Skillets one Chamber pott one Grid Iron one frying pan# one plate one pott Rack one pasty pan & Rim one brass bredd pan one pair of Tongs one pottle & one pint measure one pair of bellows one pair of Candlesticks one Iron pott & hooks one pair of Iron Doggs, Sold to Bridget Menetree.6.10.-
A parcell of Wheels sold to Wm. Edings 4.6.-
One Cart & harness Sold to Christo. Smith 6.5.-
One Shaise & Harness Sold to Chas. Stagg 31.-.-
A parcell of Grind STones a Cross cutt Saw &c. a large bible with Silver Clasps Sold to Mr. Frans. Tyler 4.-.6
Five pieces of blew Linnen quo. 123 yds. one doz. of broad hoes eight narrow Do. one doz. of narrow Axes one duffell Coat & one Negroe boy named Joe, Sold to Lewis Delony 53.4.6
One Cask of Mulasses 68 Galls @ 20d P Gallon a Parcell of Tallow at 6d P lb. one Iron pott a large Kettle one well bucket & Rope Sold to David Cuningham 11.16.-
Three pare of Course Sheets two Table Cloths three Napkins four Towels one pillow Case old Tubbs & pales two pound of Candlewick a few old fence loggs, Sold to Alexr. Mcgriger 5.6.-
Sold to James Hardeman Some old Lumber 1.-.-
Sold to Nebour Marshall one old Table -.10.-
Sold to Danl. Stoner one large Horse 8.-.-
A Six Rushia leather Chairs one Table one Negroe boy named Jack Sold to George Hughs 43.12. 6
Sold to Dennis Bardin a Negroe boy named Ned 39.6.-
Sold to Edwd. Moore a Negroe woman Bess 32.-.-
Sold to Goodrich Lightfoot a Negroe man Jemmy 43.12.6
One Steel Mill & a Spade Sold to 7, Jno. Short 4.14.-
Two Iron potts & Hooks one Small Kettle two pott Racks one P of Spit Racks one P of Candlesticks One Kettle Sold to Edwd. Travis 4.-.-
Two P of Shott molds a box of Carpenters & Coopers Tools Sold to Mr. Wm. Drummond 5.6.-
Two old earthen Jarrs a parcell of Suggar quon. 100 lb. 2.5.-
Three viols of Stoughton Elixr. at -.5.7½
A very Small parcell of hopps in a little box & 19 old bruished Candle molds -.10.-
Two pair of horned framed Spectacles -.2.-
One Small Iron heel Sparr & a parcell of old Cnisters & old half barrell & old peck -.5.-
made use of the above Articles my Self 3.7.7½
Two porringers of Silver Sold to Robert Bell Currency 6.6.6
A X Sett of Silver Casters one oyle pott one Vine Vinegar Do. one Soop Soon & a pair of Small Solvers Sold to John Randolph for Excha20.9.5
Six Spoons one Soop Spoon Sold to Mrs. Luke for Currency 7.11.3
One Sorrill Horse Sold to Edwd Travis for 3.-.-
Cash found in the House 47.6.4
Sundry Debts & Cash for plate Recd 45.10.10
Broken Silver Solder filings Course Silver & plate qty. 902 oz. 14 dwt. 00gri at 4/P Ounce comes to 180.10.9 ½
Broken Gold & Gold Solder & filings qty. 2 oz. 19 dwt. 4 gr @ 3£.10 P Ounce 10.7.1
Old Silver Lace qty. 24 oz. 8dwt. 0 [Gr]. @ 2/ P Ounce 2.8.10
Silver Smiths Tools & Matterialls belonging 15.-. -
A parcell of Nails 1 a P of Small Milstones & a parcell of Lumber pickt up Since the Outcry A Small qty of Train Oyle in all to the value by Computation with three pair of Silver framed Spectacles10.-.-
One Seadan or Chair &c. One pair of Gloves. One Silver hilted Scimeter & belt with Silver buckle & Runner. . .
One Silver Snuff box with a fancy Sett in Gold on the head
Three pair of Christall buttons Sett in Gold
One large Gold Ring with death Graved theron & Amilled black with a Table Dimond Set in Silver in the middle
One fowling Gunn & Bullet molds belonging
One pair of Silver buckles wt. 1 oz. 5 dwt. 12 gr. @ 4/ P Ounce-.5.1
Sold to Frans. Tyler Two Small Canns for bills of Exhca 5.18.6

William Brodnax

Robert Brodnax

At a Court held for York County November 16th 1719. This Inventory &C. was presented in Court & admitted to Record.


Phi: Lightfoot Cl. Cur.