Inventory of Goods produced by Thomas Dickson as the Estate of Robert Tennoch deced.
Sept. 15th. 1725

1 Small feather bed bolster & pillow, 2 old Blanketts, old Rugg 2.10. -
1 Suit.: old Curtains, 3 Iron Curtin Rods, 1 Trussell1.-.-
3 old Carpet Chairs, ! table.- 12/ One large looking Glass £1.15.-2.7.-
1 powder trough, 1 Tub, 1 frow, 2 tails 10/ one large weaving table 17/.1.7.-
2 Chests, 1 Box 15/ Three barber's basins 4 pewter bot. 5 plates 1 dish 1.15.-
4 doz. & 5 bot. a butter pot, 1 Earthen pan -.11.-
1 pr. Tongs, 2 Iron Candlesticks. 1 old Saucepan, 1 fleshforks 1 Small Gun, 1 old Sword, 1 pr. Scissers, & 1 dark Lanthorn-.5.-
1 Stock Lock & Hand Vice -.5.6
1 Saddle with Housing, 1 pr. Spatterdashes, 2 P Shooes1.10.-
32 lb. plain Grounds 20d. 1 pr. britches & Gloves of Buck Skin 12/6 1.12.6
1 Coat Vest & Britches of Druggett £2. One pr Do. of duroy £1.103.10.-
1 old thicksat Coat 1 pr. old Druggtt. britches 1 old Great Coat 1.2.-
2 old Waistcoats, 3 pr. old Britches, 1 pr. holland Spatterdashes -.5.-
1 hatt 7/6, 2 pr. Silk Stockings 7/6. 3 pr. Worsted 4/ -.19.-
5 Shirts 22/. 7 Shaving Cloths 14/. Two Night Caps, 2 pillow Cases 3/ 1.19.-
1 Neck 4 Turnovers 5/. 1 Desk 25/:11 Razor & Cases 27/6 14 old Do. 7/ 3.4.6
Pepper, Alspice, thread 1 Cork Screw, 1 Seal 1 Rule -.1.6
1 Hoan, 3 Combs 2/6. 2 pr. old Cards 2 brushes 10/ -.12.6
2 New Cards, 2 New Brushes 1.10.-
1 Natural Wigg £1. Two Bob Wiggs £ 4.10. Three tye Wiggs £6.1012.-.-
2 New Blocks 16/. 4 old Ditto 2 Stands 1.4.-
6 doz. 1 Cowls £2 . 5 . 7½ ps. Side 1 ps. Round & ½ ps. brd Wig Ribn. dark Cold. Ribb 30/ 3.15.7
The Same quantity of light Coloured 2.-.-
2 half ps. broad Ribbon 12/. 4 Remnts. Do. 10/ 1.2.-
1 lb. 6 oz. 18 dwt. £1.13.- 12 Oz. bleacht [tycking] 6/ £3.12./ 1 lb. bleacht front @ 3/ £2.8.-7.13.-
12 oz. Ordry. hair 12/. 14 Oz. tie hair £1.8./ 9 Oz. curled old hair 9/ 2.9.-
12 oz. Curl'd hair 18/. five oz. hair on pipes £1.5. 2.3.-
Horse hair 2/6. 1 Barbers pole some Shelves 7/6. 5 Gross Curling pipes 5/ -.15. -

In Obedience to an order of York County Court Wee the Subscribers being first Sworn did appraise all the Estate of Robert Tennock deced. Exhibited to us by Thos. Dickson And do find the Same to amount as above to fifty Nine pounds Eleven Shillings one penny halfpenny Current money.
Samuel Cobbs
Wil. Prentis
Stephen Besouth

At a Court held for York County Novr. 15th. 1725 This Invry. & Appraisemt. was presented in Court & admitted to record.
Test. Phi: Lightfoot Cl. Cur.