An Inventory of the Goods belonging to the Estate of Thomas Barbar of the City of Williamsburg deced. appraised by us Richard King John Hansford and Robert Peters pursuant to an order of York County Court dated May 15th. 1727 who were Sworn before John Blair Esqr. one of his Majestys Justices of the peace on the 30th day of May in the year aforesaid

1 New feather bed bolster pillows & Bedsted 4.-.-
1 old bed 1 Rugg 2 pr. Sheets & 2 pillows £2. four old beds & some old furniture 5.7.-
3 Looking Glasses 35/ A parcell of Nails £6. A Tea table & Chest of drawers £3.10 .-.-
A brass Warming pan Do. Shovell & fire tongs 20/ A Chest of Carpenters tools. £6.9.3
3 turners Chiswells & 3 Gouges 7/6 1 Sword & belt 5/ One folding table 15/
1 Desk & trussell 20/ A Clock £6.10. A fallen table 10/ A pr. dogs & 2 trevits 20/
2 box Irons & heaters & Some old brass 20/ two Iron pots 2 brass Do. & 2 brass Skilletts 21/
2 ladles, 2 flesh forks & 1 Skimmer 10/ 55 lb. pewter £1.14.4½
1 Corner Cupboard, 2 Grid Irons, 1 Spit, 1 frying pan 1 dripping pan 6 Skuers, 1 pr. fire tongs, and shovel 1.2.6
1 pr. pot hooks, 1 Iron pestle 5/. two Jars 1 Side Saddle 26/6. 1 Seal bushlls. & ½ bushll. 6/.
A Pcell. of white lead & some Nails 10/ two Cloaths brushes and 2 Sack bags 6/
The black Smiths tools £8. A Large Razor Wheel & 2 Stone Do. 12/.
A pr. of Dogs 12/ A large Grind Stone frame & Iron Spindles 15/.
29 Melting pots 4/10 A Spade & parcell of old Iron 16/
1 Horse Saddle & housing £6.17. A Pcell. of old Brass £6.9.
A Pcell. of old Copper 45/ Cast brass 9/. 77 bushlls. Sea Coal £3.17.-
A pr. large money Scales & Weights 10/ A Pcell. of table linnen 14/
2 Water pails 3/6 2 Casks 8/ A Pcell. of old Lumber 20/
8 Cows & 7 Calfs at 30/ £12. two Oxen 1 Cart 2 Yoaks & 1 Chain £5.10.
5 Young Steers L4. One Steer 30/ four 2 year old heifers £3. two Yearlings 20/
5 head of Sheep 25/ 12 head of hogs £3. 15 head of Shoats 18/9
A Cross Cut Saw & 3 Wedges 20/ A Gun, 27/6 A Saddle 7/6
1 old Feather bed two old blanketts 1 Sheet & 1 bed Sted2.5.-
1 Negro man called To £30. One Do. Woman & 2 children £45. One Do. Girl £18.-
A Pcell. of Earthen Ware 2 Spits pot & pan 21/ One Mare & Colt & 2 pails 29/
3 broad Axes & old Vice--10/ A Bull 15/ An old Sword 2/ two Wine pipes 10/
1 Corner Cupboard 4/ A Pcell. of old Lumber 12/_____
£216. 9. 2½

Susanna Barbar Exrix.

Richd. King

Jn. Hansford

Robert Peters

At a Court held for York County July 17th. 1727 This Inventory & Appraisemt. of the Estate of Thomas Barbar deced. was presented in Court and admitted to record.


Phi: Lightfoot Cl. Cur.