Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of Henry Bowcock late of York County decd.

27 lb. hard pewter @ 12d £ 1.7.-
168 ½ lb. pewter @ 8 ½d 5.17.2 ¾
18 ½ lb. old Do. 6d 9.3.-
1 pewter Cistern & 2 Basons -.12.6
2 Iron pots wt. 91 lb. 3d 1.2.9
2 Do. broken 76 1 ½ -.9.6
1 Spice mortar and pestle-. 7.6
1 Dutch oven 12/6 1 Do. 5/ -.17.6
1 large brass Kettle wt. bl lb. 12 d. 3.1.-
2 large old brass Do1.12.6
1 brass boyler 30 ½ 12d 1.10.6
1 Copper fish Kettle 1 Do. Cullender & pasty pan wt. 31 ½ 15d. 1.19.4½
1 Iron dripping pan 15 ½ lb. 6d. -.7.9
1 Tin Do. 5/. 1 plate frame 5/ -.10.-
1 old stew pan 6/. 2 old Copper sauce pans 3/6 -.9.6
2 old hussling pans and old Skillet -.6.-
2 brass skillets 15/. 1 brass frying pans 7/6 1.2.6
1 Iron dust pail 4/. 2 Gridirons 5/ -.9.-
1 Jack 30/. 4 Spits 20/ 2.10.-
1 roasting Skreen -.7.6
3 pot racks 7/6. pr. fire dogs 10/ -.17.6
fire shovel 2/. flesh fork skimr. & ladle 4/ -.6.-
2 Chaffing dishes 2/6. 1 Cleaver 2/-.4.6
3 Tin dish Covers Cullender patty pans &.c. -.3.-
pr. brass Scales & weights 6/. Stilliards 5.-.11.-
3 wax Candle Engines -.5.-
1 Tenant Saw 7/6 1 ax 1/6 -.9.-
1 Copper water pot -.7.6
Little Room
1 Scrutore 2. -.-
2 Walnut Oval Tables 1.15.-
1 broken looking glass -.15.-
7 leather Chairs 1. 8.-
7 old pictures -. 3.6
pr. dogs tongs and bellows -.10.-
pr. money Scales & weights -. 4.-
1 Clock 8. -.-
3 Walnut Oval tables 3.10.-
14 leather Chairs 5. 5.-
1 Corner Cupboard -. 6.-
a pcell. of Maps1. -.-
pr. fire doggs -. 5.-
large looking Glass 2.10.-
4 China bowls 1. 5.-
6 Glasses 3/6. lhalf pt. 2 qr: pint pots -. 5.6
pair of Tables -.10.-
Dining Room
2 walnut Oval Tables1.10.-
1 dozn. Lether Chairs3. -.-
4 maps and some small pictures -.10.-
pr. fire doggs & pr. bellows -. 6.-
2 China Bowls -. 7.6
3 Decanters and sundry other glassware 1.13.6
29 Delft plates & 2 basons -. 8.-
11 Ivory Case knives & 12 forks -.11.-
10 white metal defect knives & hl forks -. 7.6
3 Stone pots 2 white mugs and a punch bowl -. 4.-
1 bird piece made by Brush 2.10.-
1 dutch piece 1.10.-
A Chagrin Case with 1 dozn. knives & forks the handles chased with Silver 1.10.-
101 oz. 14 pwt. plate of new Sterling @ 6/ 30.10.2¼
106 oz. 14 pwt Do. old Sterling @ 5/6 29. 6.10
36 oz. 16 pwt Do. Virginia made @ 5/ 9. 4.-
Little Chamber
1 Walnut press2.15. -
1 Desk and book Case 4. -.-
3 Leather Chairs -.15.-
1 small looking Glass 2/. 2 Coofee mills 7/6 -. 9.6
11 brass Candlesticks and 3 pr. snuffers and stands-.15.-
Stone Tea pot and two Sugar pots -. 3.-
5 Coffee muggs milk pot pt. mugg -. 1.6
6 China Chocolat Cups 5/ -. 5.-
15 China Cups and 8 Saucers -.13.3
1 White metal Tea pot -. 3.6
pr. fire doggs and Shovel -. 6.-
parcel of knives and forks -. 5.-
1 featherbed, Quilt, bedstead and old blue Curtains 4.10.-
Above Stairs
1 feather bed bolster 2 pillows, Quilt pr. of blankets, green China Curtains & Tester bedstead Cord and hide & old blanket8. -.-
1 Walnut Table and dressing glass 1. 5.-
1 Dutch Table 7/6. 9 leather Chairs 54/ 3. 1.4
pr. fire doggs -. 2.6
1 feather bed bolster 2 pillows 3 blankets bedstead Cord, Matt & old Curtains £3.10.- 3 leather Chairs, small table pr. doggs £
1 feather bed 2 pillows, 3 blankets, Quilt old blue Curtains & Tester Bedstead and Matt 5.10.-
4 Cane Chairs & old Table -.17.6
1 feather bed bolster 2 pillows 3 blankets, Quilt bedstead and blue Curtains 4.10.-
6 leather Chairs small old table £2.-.-. small l-oking glass & fire dogs 2/6 2.2.6
1 feather bed bolster 2 pillows 3 blankets Quilt bedstead old blue Curtains laced with yellow 6.10.-
Another feather bed with the [same-] furniture7. -.-
5 leather Chairs small table [and pr.-] fire dogg1. 5.-
1 Close Stool 2 pewter pans 1. -.-
parcell of old painted pictures1. -.-
Linnen vizt.
4 new Damask Table Cloths 1.16.-
5 Do. not new1.15.-
12 Huckaback Do 3.18.-
6 older do1.10.-
7 Coarse diaper do1. 1.-
2 old Dasmask do -. 8.-
11 old do. of different sorts 3. -.6
2 large damask do1. -.-
24 napkkins 24/. 6 more 6/ 10 coarser 7/6 1.17.6
12 huckaback Towels 12/. 4 oznabrigs do. 2/6 -.14.6
1 dozn. pillowbers 10/ 6 pr. holland sheets £6 6.10.-
9 pr. older holland sheets 5.12.6
27 yards of new Huckaback Tabling 5. 8.-
one Silver Watch made by Kipling 6. -.-
1 old Tumbler and Wheels 1.10.-
1 small do. with strach'd Wheels 3. -.-
1 old Waggon 7. -.-
old harness for five horses2.10.-
new harness for five horses 10. -.-
old Coach harness for 4 horses 1. -.-
5 old Cart horses 10. -.-
4 Saddle horses 20. -.-
4 Cows 5. -.-
22 Sheep 7. 3.-
3 horse Cloggs and Locks -. 7.6
5 pitch forks 1 Garden Sheers Spade & Rake-.10.-
2 old Saddles and Curb bridle 1.10.-
9 halters 4/6. 3 Scyths 7/6 -.12.-
2 pails 2 Tubs -. 8.-
Stone and Earthen pots & Juggs -.12.6
2 Chamber pots -. 2.0
Case of Pistols 2. 5.-
Holsters and Caps & housing embroider'd 2. -.-
a suit of new duroy Cloaths2.10.-
pr. boots and Silver spurs 1.10.-
1 Servants bed & furniture 1.10.-
10 dozn. bottles Claret 7.10.-
46 bottles red Wine 1.18.4
70 qt. bottles Rhenish 7. -.-
57 pints do 2.17.-
42 qt. bottles old Hock 4. 4.-
10 qt. bottles French Whitewine -.12.6
1 pipe Madeira Wine 20. -.-
71 qt. bottles Welch ale 2.19.2
32 bottles Bristol Beer 1. 1.4
79 bottles of Cask Beer 1. 6.4
177 qts. Shrubb2. 2.6
2 ½ Gallons Arack2.10.-
12 Gallons Brandy3.12.-
4 Galls. Cherry & Raspberry Do 1. 8.-
4 Gallons Citron water7. -.-
15 Galls. Rum1.17.6
2 ½ Galls. Cherry Rum-. 7.6
A large quantity of damaged Liquors of sevl. sorts in bottles 4. -.-
6 Curboys1. 4.-
3 ½ Gross bottles4. 7.6
5 brass Cocks & a pr. Terriers-.11.-
2 Bottles Florence oil-. 5.-
23 Candle moulds1. 3.-
Hector Derry 2 years to serve 4. -.-
Caesar a Negro 30.-.-
Will Do25.-.-
Nan Do 24.-.-
Cheshire 22.-.-
Lincoln Do 22.-.-
Deducted for the Rhenish above appraised being bad4.18.4

We the Subscribers being first sworn before Archibald Blair Gentl have apprais'd the Effects of Henry Bowcock decd. amounting to Five hundred thirty pounds seven shillings three pence half penny as above is set down.
Thoms. Cobbs
Joseph Davenport
Wil. Prentis

At a Court held for York County March 16th. 1729/30 This Inventory of the Estate of Henry Bowcock decd. was presented in Court and admitted to Record.
Teste. Phi: Lightfoot Cl. Cur.