An Inventory of the Estate of Timothy Sullivant decd.

One Suit of duroy £2.-.-
one old Suit of Cloth 1.5.-
one blue great Coat 1.-.-
two pair of breeches -.7.6
two shirts & one stock very old-.3.9
three pair Stockings -.1.3
one flannel Jacket -.1.9
one old Hat -.1.6
ten Chissals for cutting Stone-.3.-
one old Saddle & Saddle Cloth -.5.-
two old Trowells -.-.7½
£ 5.9.4½

We the Subscribers being first sworn have appraised the Estate of Timothy Sullivant
Robt. Dowsing
John Trotter
Benja. Catton
John Butterworth

At a Court held for York County July 19th. 1731. This Inventory was presented in Court & is admitted to Record.
Test. Phi: Lightfoot Cl. Cur.