LIV. Inventory of Richard Hickman "of the City of Williamsburg" clerk of the Council, recorded May 16,1732. "A catalogue of Bookes belonging to the Estate of Mr Richard Hickman deced vallued by the subscribers:

£. s. d.
Cook upon Littleton II Eda2.5.0
Do 2 Insts 3
3 Do 4
4 Do 4
Hubbards reports 40.15.0
Theserius Brevium 20.10.0
First Modern repts 3
2d Do 2
3 Do 2
4 D o 2
5 Do1
Modern Cases 1
2 Setts Statutes 31st to Car II. [or 11]2. 0.0
Plowdens Comms foll0.16.0
Lilly's Abridgments 2 vol 12. 0.0
Lilly's Entrys 11. 6.0
Clifts Entry 11. 6.0
Saunders Reports 1 1.10.0
Brownlo Redivivus 10.12.0
Leviz. Reports 2 vol. 11. 0.0
Ashes Tables 4 vols fol.10.12.0
Dalton's Justice pub 16820. 5.0
Cooks reports in English0.15.0
The 2d Year book of Henry 6th0. 1.0
Dyers old Edition large 4th0. 5.0
Swinbourn0. 4.0
3 vols of Crook[1].10.0
Brownlo0. 5.0
Powell's Interpa0.10.0
Puftendorf Law of Natr & Nations1. 1.0
Latches Reports0. 2.6
Winch Rep.0. 5.0
Owen0. 5.0
Allen0. 5.0
Vaughan's Reports1. 0.0
Another Set in 2 vols of ye 2d 3d & 4th vol of Cooks Insts2. 0.0
Keylins repts0.10.0
Hughes Abridgment.0. 1.0
Wingates Maxims0. 5.0
Brownloes & Muldsboroughs Rep. old0. 2.0
Orphans Leacy0. 6.0
The Sea Laws0. 7.6
Regula Placitandi 0. 2.6
Bacons Elements0. 2.0
Law french Dixonary0. 6.6
Finches Law in English0. 2.0
Ashton placita latine rediviva 0. 4.0
Treatise of Wells0. 2.0
Law Terms pub. 17080. 6.0
Modern Conveyancer 3 vols0.12.0
Law of Trespass0. 5.0
Ariaira Clericalia0. 5.0
Another Do0. 5.0
Fitzherberts Nat Brevium0. 5.0
Another Do0. 5.0
Compleat Att. & Sollr0. 6.0
Plowden, Quar.0. 2.0
Wellwood's Sea Laws0. 0.6
Trials pr. pais 30.4.0
Wingates Abridgment with 2 other S[P]0. 3.0
Instructor Clericalis--7 vol1.10.0
Abridgment Plantn Laws0. 3.0
Kitchen of Courts, 0. 4.0
Institutio legalis0. 5.0
Pulton's Abridgment Penal Stats. 0. 1.0
Ventris Reports0.10.0
Hawkins Pleas of Crown1.10.0
Lillys Conveyancer1. 5.0
2 vols Modus Justrandi0. 8.0
1 Vol praxis Alm curr Cancell0. 5.0
Townsends prepan to pleading0. 1.0
Large ffrench Bible0.10.0
a Latin Bible0. 2.6
an English Bible0. 4.0
a Common prayer book0. 1.6
Doctor Hamons Annotns No Test.0.15.0
Wilkins real Character 0. 5.0
Brooks Heraldry0. 1.6
Rushworth 1st vol. 0.10.
Purchase Pilgrimage0. 1.6
Howells ffrench Dictionary0.10.0
Morcelcus's Thesaurus0. 2.0
Thesaurus Biblicus0. 2.0
An Imperfect Dicty0. 0.2
Brownlaw's Judicial writs0. 2.0
Cabala0. 1.0
The laws of Maryland0. 5.0
Locke 2 vols on Human Underst.0. 9.0
Specrs 3 vol0. 1.6
French Litturgy0. 2.6
Oxford Grammar0. 1.6
Wills' Notitia parlimentaria0. 3.0
Scotts Christian Life, 3 vols0. 3.0
Chronological Abridgment ff.0. 1.0
Drelingcourt on death Do0. 2.0
Method of Studdy 0.0.6
The Art of thinking & Speakg0. 4.0
Method of treating with Princis 0. 0.6
Coles' Dictionary0. 5.0
History of Virginia, 2 books0. 6.0
Bovers French Dictionary 0. 3.0
The life of Xr. Collumbus 2 vols0. 2.0
Astriea Abdicati Resterao0. 1.0
Fines & Recoveries0. 2.0
Hales Pleas of the Crown0. 2.0
Laws of Usury0. 1.0
The old Sollicitor0. 1.0
Perkins0. 1.0
Rules & ordrs of the Courts of Comn Pleas0. 2.0
Arbetrum Redivive0. 0.6
The Law of Obligations0. 4.0
Pollitical State 5 Vol0.10.0
Tacitus0. 1.6
Florus0. 1.6
Latin Testament Martiall & Lutrim0. 2.0
Helvictuss Chronology 0. 1.0
other books0. 3.0
One book Imper. paper1. 6.0
a heap of Lumber books1. 0.0
Cowleys Works 1st vol0. 2.6
Cooks reports1. 5.0
Advice to a son0. 0.6
Davers Aristophanes0. 2.6
Telemachus, French0. 5.0
20 per ct on the above Book they being valued in Sterl10.17.3
Brought from first appr. of the goods36.16.0

Wil. Robertson
Will. Hopkins

At a Court held for York County May 15th 1732. This Inventory & appr. of the estate of Richd. Hickman decd. was returned to Court by the Execrs. & ordered to be recorded.
Test. Phi: Lightfoot, Cl. Cur.