Pursuant to an order of York County Court dated Nov. the 17th 1735 We the Subscribers being first Sworn before John Blair Esqr one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the sd. County have appraised Such of the Estate of George Allen decd, as was produced to us by Robert Will the Adminr. Vizt.

One Silver Watch made by Lodge at£4..0..0
One Do. made by Rant at3..0..0
one old Silver hilted Sword1..15..0

December 7th 1735
Jos. Davenport
Wm. Keith
John Stott
Jane Pasture

At a Court held for York County June 21st 1736 This Inventory and appraisment of the Estate of George Allen decd. was presented in Court and order'd to be Recorded.
Matt. Hubard Cl Cur