In obedience to an order of the Court of York County We the Subscribers being first Sworn before John Harmer Gent. have apprais'd the Estate of Charles Brown Doctor of physic Decd. as follows Vizt.

A Boy Named Willm. Cheshire£12..0..0
A Chaise Harness & two Horses25..0..0
A Table & Corner Cupboard0..10..0
A watch4..6..0
Two Silver snuff boxes1..1..7
Sundry Buckles1..10..0
Seven Dissecting Scalpells wth. hooks & atrocar0..8..0
Three Wiggs1..15..0
Eight Shirts & Stocks10..0..0
Seven handkerchiefs & c.0..10..0
An Indiffo. Microscope1..5..0
Silk & worsted Stockings 5 payrs0..10..0
A Silver hilted Sword1..10..0
A Silk night Gown1..10..0
Velvet Cloths2..10..0
Sundry other Cloths4..10..0
A hatt, Cap, & c0..12..0
Two trunks0..5..0
Eighty two vols in folio36..13..0
one Hundred & twenty eight in Quarto32..4..6
Four Hundred & seven in Octavo & Infra39..7..1

Two family pictures not appraised

Septr. 18th 1738

John Greeme

Geo. Gilmer

Robt. Davidson

October 31st 1738
Books Found Since

Garangeot's Anatomy lent to Mr. Kenneth Mackensie £0..4..0
Shaw's Practice of Physick 2 Vols in the Revd. Mr. John Foxes Hands0..8..0
Taliacotias lent to Dr. John Amson0..2..6
Two Book presses Sold for5..13..0

Will Stith

At a Court held for York County Febry. the 19th 1738/9 This Inventory & appraisment of the Estate of Charles Brown decd. was presented in Court and order'd to be Recorded.


Matt Hubard Cl Cur