In Obedience to an Order of the Worshipfull Court of York We the Subscribers being first sworn did met at the house of Mr. Thos. Brown decd. and appraised the Estate as follo.

Nineteen head of grown Cattle £19.0.0
Seven two year olds and Eight Year olds 5.10.0
Eleven Sheep 55/. 8 Shoats 20/.3.15.0
1 horse & Mare broke 90/. 1 Do. & Do. unbroke 90/9.-.-
20 Geese 16/8. 1 Stak of Tops 20/ 1.16.8
2000 bundles of fodder 40/. 15 barrels Indian Corn 4.17.6 6.17. 6
1 pr. Cart Wheels 5/. 1 Negro Woman Moll 15.5.0
1 Negro Woman Phillis (wth. Child)30.-.-
1 Negro Man Dick £30. 1 Do. Man Loon 60.-.-
50 li. old iron 4/2 1 Earthen jam 7½ 0.11.2
Carry'd over £ 151.15.4
Brot. over £ 151.15. 4
5 Sikles 2 spades 4 old hoes 3 harrow Do. 1 old Iron X cut saw 1 Iron trace Chain 2 Iron Pestles 1 old Adz 2 old axes 1 pr. haims wth. Irons 1 branding Iron 1 Chafing dish frame 1.8.6
6 Leather Chairs 36/. 6 rush bottom'd Do. 12/. 2 old Leather do. 4/2.12.0
2 small walnut oval Tables .25/. 1 spining wheel & ....Cards 6/ 1.11.0
1 Bed Bedsted bolster Cord hyde 1 blanket 1 pr. sheets & quilt 3.10.0
1 Do. 1 bolster 2 pillows & Cases 1 pr. Sheets 1 Cotton blanket 1 Silk rug 1 bedsted Cord hyde wth. an other Cover & some feathers in it 5.10.0
2 flat Irons 1 box Iron & heaters 5/. 1 Gun 12/60.17.6
2 old Chests 6/. 1 pr. pistols & holsters & 1 Cutlass 25/ 1.11.0
1 old looking glass 7 ½ 2 small juggs 1 Chest 5/. 1 pr. Cart wheels 5/.0.10.7½
1 feather bed bolster 1 pr. sheets 1 Cotton blankit rugg bedsted Cord & hyde 3.-.-
1 Warming pan 7/6. 1 Serves. bed 7/6 ½ barrel Wheat 1 Chest 8/9 1.3.9
1 hair Cloth 2 barrells with some Salt 0.5.0
20 li. feathers 20/. 16 li. wooll 10/ 1.10.0
2 Table Cloths & ½ doz. Napkins 16/. 17 li. Cotton in the Seed 4/31.-.3
10 li. Tallow 4/2 1 razor, hone & Strap 1/ 0.5.2
4 pr. Shoes 12/. 1 pr. Leather breeches 18/ 1.10.0
1 hatt 1 Wigg 12/6 1 Coat & Wast Coat & Great Coat 0.15.0
2 pr. Trowsers 2 pr. Breeches 2 pr. Stockings 2 Westcts. and 1 pr. Gloves0.10.0
1 brass Kittle wth. a Tubb bound wth. Iron hoops 1.11.0
2 bear Casks 1 brass Cocke 0.10.0
1 pot rack 3 pots wth. pot hooks 1 spit & frying pan13.0.2
1 hand Mill 15/. 3 brass Candle Stiks and 1 Iron Skillet.
5 hydes 12/. 1 doz. plates 10/. 42 li. old pewter @ 42d. 1.17.9
6 Calf Skins 3/. 9 Knives & forks 1 spice Mortar & Pestle.0.8.0
1 Churn 1 Tub and 4 pales 0.10.0
1 saddle bridle & housing 12/6 3 butter pots & 15 Milk pans 15/ 0.17.6

Febry. 13th. 1741/2

Richd. Booker

Jno. B Bryan

John Coke

Wm. Keith

Wm. Harrison

Andrew Anderson

At a Court held for York County Febry. the 15th. 1741/2 This inventory & appraisment of the Estate of Thomas Brown decd. was this day recd. to Court and order'd to be recorded.

Exam. Test.

Matt. Hubard Cl. Cur.