In Obedience to a Court held for York County the 16th. of November 1741 We the Subscribers being sworn acoording to order do appraise the Estate of John Pasteur decd. in manner following

1 Negro woman named Rachel £ 33.-.-
1 Molatto Man named Joe 12.-.-
1 small brass Kettle 6/. 1 pot rack 3/6 -.9.6
1 Tubb & 1 pale 1/. 1 Dish 60/. 1 oval fable 15/ 3.16.-
1 Tea Table 5/. 1 Chest of Drawers 301. 10 old Leather Chairs 25/.3.-.-
1 Feather bed bolster, 1 pr. sheets 1 Counterpin 1 blanket Chex Curtains 2 pillows bedsted curtain rods hyde & Cord. 5.-.-
1 Trundle bed 1 pr. old sheets 1 old rug 1 bolster bedsted hyde & Cord1.5.-
1 looking Glass 1.5.-
1 Feather bed bolster 1 pillow 1 pr. sheets 1 pr. blankets 1 rug Cotton Curtains Iron rods 1 window Curtain bedsted hyde & Cord4.10.-
1 Dutch Table 10/. 1 poplar Do. & Cover 4/.-.14.-
1 Elbow Cain Chair leather bottom -.7.6
10 old Cain Chairs at 2/6 pr. 25/ 1 Chest of Drawers 50/ 3.15.-
1 pr. small hand Irons 3/. 1 looking Glass 50/. 1 large oval Table 20/3.13.-
1 Tea Table 7/6 1 pr. hand Irons 5/ -.12.6
1 old feather bed 1 rug bolster 1 pillow bedsted hyde & Cord1.5.-
2 China bowls 10/. 8 pictures in frames at 5/. each2.10.-
1 suit Mens duroy Apparel 40/. 1 German Serge Waistct. & 1 pr. duroy bree.2.10.-
1 black Cloth Coat waistcoat and 2 pr. breeches -.10.-
2 Coats and 1 Waistcoat 10/. 2 hats 10/. 1 old- Trunk 2/6 1.2.6
1 old looking glass 4/. 1 pr. sheets 15/. 14 Diaper Napkins 20/ 1.19.-
7 Shaving Cloaths 3 long & 3 Short Towels -.7.6
1 Duroy Coat 1 pr. breeches 1 Great Coat 1 Gown 7/6 -.7.6
1 pr. old Sheets 1/3 11 wiggs at 10/ 5.11.3
for the Making of 3 do. not yet [...] out 1.10.-
1 pine Table and 2 old Chests -.8.-
1 warming pan 2/6 1 pr. shoe boots 2/6 -.5.-
1 pewter Cistern 5/. some remnants of hair -.6.3
1 old bed bolster rugg 1 pr. Sheets Quilt bedsted & Cord -.12.-
1 old Trunk 1/3 2 Barbars blocks & stands 4/-.5.3
3 Mounting blocks 7/6 13 razors 12/ -.19.6
4 Cards and 3 brushes 4/. 1 Vice 4/ -.8.-
1 Barbars hammer 1/3 1 Goose or pressing Iron 2/6 -.3.9
1 Copper pot Jugg 3/6 3 Barbara basons 4/6 -.8.-
2 Water pots & 1 bile Cup 1/3 1 pr. old Scales and Wts. 4/-.5.3
a parcel of old Curling pipes 3/. 1 old Chest 1/3 -.4.3
1 set Curtain rods 3/. 1 Carpet 2/ 1 Cow hyde 2/ -.7.-
2 Stools 2/. 1 old Trunk 1/3 1 pr. hand Irons pr. tongs & shovel & 1 Trivet 4/ -.7.3
1 St. Augustine's Meditacons 1: Vol./ 1/3 a pcel. old books in french & English 20/.1.1.3
1 Tea Kettle 1 Chocolate pot 1 Coffee pot 1 dundg. box 1 Coffee Mill 1 bason 2 plates Earthen 12/6 1 hone 2/6 -.15.-
1 beer 2 wine glasses 2 tea pots 1 flower pot 1 Mugg 2 bowls 2 Crewits 1 Salt Seller 3/. 6 China Cups & Saucers 4/ 2 fire buckets 4/ -.11.6
6 Table & 6 Tea spoons 1 pr. sugar Tongs 15 oz. at 5/3.15.-
5 Oz. 12 wt. gray hair at 5/. a pcel. of light & dark brown hair 10/. 1.18.9
1 ps. bordering & 1 ps. Crowning ribbon 1.-.-
10 wigg Cowls 7/6 3 oz. 9 wt. raw Silk at 30/. 1 Watch 50/. 1 old horse 20/4.4.0¾
Carry'd up 109.5.3¾
Brot. up 109.5.3¾
3 Brass Candle Stikes snuffdish 5/. 1 pr. Iron doggs 15/. 2 pot racks pr. fire Tongs 1.5.0
1 Grid Iron 4/ 1 spade 2/6 2 spits 1 frying pan 1 Duch. oven 12/0.19.0
1 sink Stone & frame 7/6 1 Press 15/. 1 Barbars Table 7/6 1 powder Trought 1/
5 li. old pewter at 7½ 4.27 li. Do. at 9d lb. 24 li. Do. at 12d3.6.1½
2 small pewter basons 2/. 2 bell Metle skillets 24/ 1.6.0
1 old brass Kettle wt. 38 li. at 7 ½ 4 Iron pots wt. 112 lb. at 2½2.7.1
1 Ladle 1 flesh fork 1 brass Skimmer 4/. 1 Spice Mortar 1/. 3 Earthen pans 1/3 0.6.3
5 Tubs & 3 pales 8/. 2 sifters 8d. 0.8.8
5 Knives & forks 2/. 3 Stone juggs 7/ 6 Candle Moulds0.18.6
4 Chamber pots 3/6 2 Stone butter pots 2/ 0.5.6
1 wheel barrow 4/. 1 axe 1/. 1 long house .Ladder 15/. 2 Cows & 1 Calf 70/4.10.0
1 Tea Table0.7.6
£ 126.16.2¼

Thos. Dickson
Peter Scott
Andrew Anderson

At a Court held for York County Febry. the 15th. 1741/2 This Inventory and Appraisment of the Estate of John Pasteur decd. was this day retd. to Court and order'd to be recorded.
Matt. Hubard. Cl. Cur.