Inventory & appraisment of the Estate of Henry Bowcock late of York County decd. taken 29 June 1742.

No. 1. A Feather Bed, bolster, pillow, pr. blankets, sheets, pillow Case Counterpane, 2 bedsteads, old Ticken Mattras & Field Curtain £8.-.-
2Another Do. pr. blankets sheets pillow Case green rug, bedstead Cord hide & Field Curtains £6.-.-
3Another do. pr. blankets sheets pine bedstead Cord. hide Quilt old flower'd Curtains £5.-.-
4Another Do. pr. blankets Sheets Quilt bedstead Cord Matt and Field Curtains 7.10.-
5another Do. pr. Sheets Quilt bedstead & Cord 4.10.-
6A Small old feather bed -.15.-
a black Walnutt Desk & book Case 3.10.-
1 Do. Corner Cupboard 1.6.-
1 Do. large Oval Table 40/. 1 Do. small round Table 1.8/ 2.18.-
1 Do. small Table 14/. another Do. 22/6 1.16.6
1 black painted Table & looking glass 1.6.-
1 black walnut dressing Table 60/. 1 large looking glass 50/5.10.-
2 doz. leather Chairs £9.12.- 11 rush Chairs £2.1512.7.-
4 small pine Tables 20/. 1 large old Trunk 2/6 1 do. better 7 1.9.6
1 pr. Doggs 2 Tongs & 2 Shovels 26/. a parcel of China 30/2.16.-
a parcel of Glass ware 26/. pr. backgammon Tables 25/ 2.11.-
Two Guns 60/. 1 Gun scraper, powder horn, Shot bag & some powder & Shot 20/ 4.-. -
A Tea Chest & Cannisters W Tea board-.7.6
Some Earthen ware 2/. Tin Cannisters & other Tin Ware 10/ -.12.-
A Saddle bridle & two housings 40/. whip 2/62.2.6
pr. boots 15/. 3 pr. New Shoes 21/. a parcel of old Cloaths £9.1011.6.-
2 Wiggs Wigg box & Hatt 18/6. 1 large Flasket 3/ 1.1.6
8 diaper Table Cloths 40/. 18 Do. Napkins 20/ 3.-.-
12 Coarse old Towels 3/6 16 pillow Cases 16/ -.19.6
2 Cloaths brushes & 1 hair broom 4/6 1 Coffee Mill 5/ -.9.6
4 pewter Measures & a Tea pot 10/. frying pan 2/. -.12.-
11 pewter dishes 2 bacons & 29 plates wt. 66 li. at 8d2.4.-
1 Copper fish Kettle 21/6 1 large brass Kettle 40/ 3.1.6
a Skillet Gridiron & 2 Chafing dishes 10/. two Copper Sauce pans 8/-.18.-
1 Tea Kettle 5/. 3 Iron pots 2 pot racks 25/ 1.10.-
Ladle flesh fork Skimmer & flower box 3/. 2 Copper Coffee pots 15/ -.18.-
a Jack, Weights, Chain & Spit 2.10.-
4 Candle Stiks 15/. a Clea[ver?] 2/6 -.17.6
Carry'd up£103.14.6
Brot. up £103.14.6
1 Iron Candle Stick & 2 pr. Snuffers 2/. 1 doz. Knives & forks & Knife basket 13-.15.-
3 old do. 2/6 1 K large pine Table 8/ -.10.6
3 pails & 1 Piggin 5/6 4 Tubs & 5 Trays 7/ -.12.6
3 Stone butter pots & a Water Jugg 6/. a spade, rake, ax & Hoe 10/ -.16.-
parcel Lumber 2/6 two Cows & a Yearlings 50/. a large bay Mare £10 12.12.6
Harry a Negro Man £14 Moll a Negro Woman & her Child £2842.-.-
Nanny, Negro Girl £17. 120 Gall. rum at 3/. £18 35.-.-
Nanny, pan 6/. pr. bellows & Candlebox 9/ -.15.-
Stone jugg 2/. Spice Mortar & petle 5/. 2 boxes Candles 50/2.17.-
Pr. brass barrel pistols 50/. box Iron heaters pr. flat Irons 1 hammar 7/62.17.6
4 Chamber pots 1/. Shoe brushes & a Girth belt 4/ -.5.-
[Rice?] 7/6. Salt 10/. Coffee 10/. 49 Oz. new plate 6/3 £15.6.3 16.13.9
27 Oz. old plate 5/. f6.15.Silver watch old £4.10 11.5.-
Cash in the house 13.4.8

Henry Tyler Admr.

In Obedience to an order of the Court of York County We the Subscribers being first Sworn have appraised the Estate of Henry Bowcock decd. amounting to Two hundred forty three pounds Eighteen shillings and Eleven pence as above June 29th. 1742.

James Wray

Andrew Anderson

Joseph Davenport

At a Court held for York County July 19th. 1742. This Inventory & appraisment of the Estate of Henry Bowcock decd. was this day retd. to Court and Order'd to be recorded.

Exam. Test.

Matt. Hubard Cl. Cur.