In Obedience to an order of Court for York County We the Subscribers being first Sworn have appraised the Estate of Wm. Keith decd. as follows. Vizt.

1 Bed Bolster Sheets Counterpin Bedsted Cord & hyde & Blankets £4.-.-
1 Field-Bed, Bolster, Blankets Curtains & Counterpin rugg Bedsted Cord & Mattrass 5.10.-
2 Beds 1 Bolster 3 old ruggs 3.-.-
3 Ruggs 1 pr. Blankets 44/. 12 Leather Chairs 60/ 5.4.-
1 Close Stool chair & 1 Arm Do. 26/. 9 Pictures a looking Glass & pr. Boots 3.17.6 5.3.6
2 Tables 1 pr. Mony Scales 1 pr. hand Irons & a Chest 2.15.-
5 Butter pots 3 Juggs 1 Carboy 1 Qt. 1 pottle 1 half pt. pots & funnel1.7.-
1 Jack 1 rat Trap a pcel. of Leather & looking Glass frame -.10.-
2 Beds 1 rugg a pr. Blankets Bedsted hyde & Cord 2.-.-
1 Desk 1 square Table a Chest & a parcel of Books 2.2.-
2 Cases of Bottles 1 Fuzer 12 Knives & forks 1 chair & mony Scales3.1.6
1 Serch 2 Tea Kettles Chafing Dish a pr. And Irons & plate Warmer1.5.-
3 Candle Sticks 2 pr. Snuffers 1 Salt 2 Muggs & a Bowl -.6.-
1 Bed & bolster 2 pillows a Blanket & hyde 2.10.-
1 Dutch Table warming pan Jugg & cane 1.5.-
2 Trunks 2 chests 7/6 6 pr. Sheets [torn] Damask Table Cloths & 4 Napkins £4.13.- 5.-.6
1 Linnen Counterpin 3 new she[torn] 2.4.6
1 New Coat & breeches [torn] sundry wearing Cloaths £4.2.- 8.-.-
2 pr. wosted hoes 9/. 29 oz [torn] at 6/6 P oz. £9.12.6 10.1.6
1½ doz. pewter plates 4 [torn -- Basons?] a stew pan 2.2.0
62 li. old pewter at 7d. P li. [torn] Mortar & pewter plates 13/2.9.2
1 Saw and a parcel Lumber & [torn] 1.2.-
3 Jarrs & 5 Casks a pr. Spit Doggs [torn] old Iron -.18.-
5 Iron potts 1 Driping pan [torn] Grid Iron 2 sauce pans 1 Frying pan a Bell Mettle [torn] 3.15.-
1 Copper & brass Kettle 5.-.-
10 Earthen pans 6 Tin pans [torn] & some old Tubs 1.6.-
1 [Server?] & press, a Table Chairs & a Trunk 2.6.-
2 Coffee pots 1 punch Bowl 6 Wine Glass & Tea ware 1.-.-
25 ps. Galloon & ¾ li. Laceing £4.13.3 50 ps. Brad 50/7.3.3
Carry'd over.94.6.11
Brot. over. £94.6.11
8 Yards white Buckram & 12 yards Tabbs [?] 5.8.-
1 old Bed Bolster pr. Sheets rugg 2 Bedsted & hyde 1 Set Curtain rods 1 old Saddle & Table £2.10.6 a pcl. Stay Makers Tools Table 14/ 3.4.6
A plow & harness & Saw 15/. Christopher McDonald a white Servt£6.6.15
a Cart & 3 harness £7. 2 Bay horses £12. one white horse 10/19.10.-
1 pr. old Cart wheels 12/. Sam a Negro Man £35. Tye his wife £40 75.12.-
young Sam £12. Nelly his Sister £15. Moreah £2451.-.-
Dimca a Negro Man £35. Ralph a Negro Man 30/ 36.10.-
Peter an old infirm Slave 4d. & Kate his wife £4 4.-.-
4 a watch £4.10. 1 hatt & wigg 15/. 13 Cows & 4 Calves £20.18 26.3.-

Matt. Moody

James Shields

George Charlton

At a Court held for York County June the 18th. 1744. This Inventory & appraisment of the Estate of Wm. Keith decd. was this day retd. to Court and order'd to be recorded.


Matt. Hubard Cl. Cur.