In Obedience to an Order of York Court dated the 20th of August 1744 We the Subscribers have appraised the Estate of James Geddy decd. in the follg. Manner. Vizt.

1 large black walnut Table 30/. 1 large Looking Glass 60/. 4/10/0
6 Leather Chairs 36/. 1 Japand cupboard/ corner/. 30/ 3/6/0
1 Japand Cabinet 20/. 5 Pictures in Frames 40/. 3/0/0
1 pr. Iron Dogs faced wth Brass 30/. 10 Prints in Frames 10/. 2/0/0
7 old Leather Chairs 21/. 1 pr Glass Sconces 3/6 1/14/6
1 painted Frame for a Chimney 2/6, a pcel of old Earthen Ware 2/6 /5/0
4 Stone Juggs 7/6 4 Stone butter pots 10/ 0/17/6
3 potting pots & 3 Cream pots 2/. 1 Dressing Table & box 15/ 0/17/0
1 Settee Bedsted Bed Rugg &c 30/. a Sett Musketo Curtains 7/6 1/17/6
4 Virga Cloth Curtains 7/6 1 Warming pan 4/0/11/6
1 Small Looking Glass 3/6 1 Pine Table 1 old Chest 1 old Box & Trunk 0/11/0
1 Desk 70/ 1 Japand Corner Cupboard 10/. 1 Looking Glass 10/ 4/10/0
1 Dutch Table 12/6 1 old Oval Table 7/6 1 Picture & 1 Print 2/ 1/2/0
1 Elbow Chair 2/6 1 old box 1/3 0/3/9
1 Feather Bed, Curtains & Vallens, Compass rod 1 pr Sheets 1 Blanket 1 Quilt 1 Cover Lid pillow Bedsted &c 4/0/0
1 Trundle Bed rugg Blanket & Sheet 20/. 1 pr Iron Doggs 1 pr Tongs & Shovl 1/10/0
4 plain Gold rings wt 7 wt 6 G at 4/6
3 Gold rings set with Stones 21/6 7 oz 8 wt old Silver at 5/6 oz 2/18/8
1 Silver Watch £ 4. 1 Frize & 1 Fustian Coats 40/ 6/0/0
1 Hatt 10/ 1 Bay Gelding £ 5. 1 Cow 35/7/5
1 Sadle & Bridle 13/ 6 Washing tubs 12/ 1/5
2 wooden Measures 2/6 1 Jarr 7/6 8 doz. Qt bottles 16/1/6/0
1 Feather Bed 1 pr Sheets 1 Quilt 1 Counterpin 1 Blanket Bedsted Mattras & Cord £ 4 1 old Oval Table 10/ 4/10/0
1 old Cain Couch & 2 old Cain Chairs 7/6 1 old Feather Bed &c 20/ 1/7/6
1 old Do with 1 blanket rugg 1 pr Sheets Bedsted &c 2/10/0
1 old Desk 5/. 1 Spinning wheel 3/. 63 1i pewter at 8d 42/2/10/0
36 li Do at 6d - 18/. 1 doz. hard Metle Soop plates 20/ 1/18/0
1 doz. flat hard Do 15/. 14 Common plates 10/ 1/5/0
1 pewter Montieth 5/. 4 porringers 2/ 0/7/0
1 Cullender 1/. 1 Bason 1/. 1 Galln and 1 Qt Measure 1 Can & 1 Tankard 4/ 1 Box Iron & heaters 2 flat Irons & Stand 0/10/0
1 Copper Chocolate pot 1 coffee Do0/7/6
1 Copper Sauce pan 2/6 1 Skillet 2/6 0/5/0
A New Frame & Shafts for a Chair 2/3/0
1 old Tea Kettle 2/6 1 Grid Iron 4/ 0/6/6
1 Iron Trivet 1/6 1 Brass Chafing Dish 2/6 0/4/0
A Bottom of an old Dutch Oven 1/6, 1 Skimmer & 2 Slices 2/ 0/3/6
1 Jarr 2/6 1 Garden Water pot 2/6 6 Candle Moulds & stand 7/6 0/12/6
1 large Iron pot & hooks 20/. 4 Iron pots & hooks 35/ 2/15/0
1 Spit 3/. 3 pr pot racks 6/. 1 Oyl Jarr 2/6 1 Frying pan 3/ 4 Water pales 7/6 2 ½ bushels Salt 6/30/13/9
4 Brass Kettles/old/wt 80 li at 9d p £3/0/0
1 pr Stilliards 10/. 2 pr Brass Candlesticks 12/1/2/0
3 pr Brass Candle Sticks1/2/6
4 odd brass Candle Sticks & Snuff Dish0/6/0
4 Brass Snuff Dishes 7/6 3 pr brass Sturrups 1/2/6
1 pr Brass Pistols 60/. 1 pr Pistols 26/ 1 Pestle & Mortar 5/ 4/11/0
1 Silver hilted Sword 52/. 1 Shot bagg & powder horn 3/6 2/15/6
1 pr Money Scales & weights 1 pr Scizors 3/. 1 wine Glass 6d 0/3/6
4 pr Spoon Moulds 20/. 18 Gun Locks at 3/6 ps 63/. 4/3/0
12 Pistol Do at 5/. 1 Square Walnut Table 12/6 3/12/6
1 Bottle Case with 11 bottles 10/. a parcel rough brass work for Guns 10/. 1/0/0
8 doz. files Sorted at 8/. 19 Small Do at 5d3/11/11
1 Vol. Laws of Virga 10/. 1 Historical Dictionary 10/ 1/0/0
The History of the World 7/6 1 Bible 5/. 1 Vol. Turkish Spy 2/6. 0/15/0
A parcel of old books 5/. 1 pr Holsters 7/6. 1 old Clock 5/ 0/17/6
A Case with Drawers 5/. 1 Dial plate 2/6 0/7/6
3 pr Bullet Moulds 5/. a parcel of Gun Smiths Tools & a Drawer in the Closet 7/6 2 pr Doggs faced with Brass 30/. 2/2/6
1 Compass Saw 2/6 3 hand Vices 7/6 0/10/0
1 Bench Vice 7/6 1 Do 10/. 1 Whites hand Saw 10/. 2 Screw plates 10/ 1/17/6
A parcel of Gun Smiths Tools in his Shop 2/10/0
5 Gun barls 30/. 2 Setts Curtain rods 20/. 1 Violin Damaged 7/62/17/6
1 pr Shoe Boots 10/. 1 large Stand Vice 26/. 1 Iron Anvil 60/. 4/16/0
1 Beck Iron 7/6 2 Sledge hammars 4/. 3 hand Do 3/. 1/14/6
1 Steel Mill 10/. 1 Slack Tubb & 6 pr Iron Tongs 10/.1/0/0
5 Iron Smiths Stacks 10/. 2 Screw plates & 1 Brace 10/ 1/0/0
1 Grind Stone and Trough 4/. 1 Cutlers wheel & 2 runners &c 20/ 1/4/0
1 Turner Laith &c 7/6 a parcel of Nail Tools 2/6 0/10/0
8 li rough Brass work 4/. 1 Frame Saw 10. 1 Founders Laith 5/. 0/19/0
7 pr Flasks 10/. 1 Sand Bench 5/. a parcel of Founders patterns 26/1/15/0
19 Melting pots at 8d ps 1 Coffee Mill 5/. 1 old Chest & 1 old Cubbard 1 Brass Tea Kettle 1/3 6 Chair Frames 12/0/13/3
2 pr Smiths Bellows 50/. 200 li Sheet Lead at 2d p £ 3¾4/3/4
1 Iron Jack 40/. a Servant named Wm Beadle £ 1012/0/0
An old Negro woman named Betty5/0/0
1 Negro boy named Jack30/0/0

Novr. 19th. 1744

Peter Scott
Hugh Orr
John Coulthard
Mark Cosby

At a Court held for York County Novr. 19th. 1744 This Inventory & Appraismt. of the Estate of James Geddy decd, was this day retd. to Court and Order'd to be recorded.
Test Matt. Hubard Cl. Cur.