IN OBEDIENCE to an Order of the Worshipful Court of York County Dated the 18th Day of August 1746 We the Subscribers did meet at the late Dwelling House of Ann Keith decd. and being first Sworn did Appraise her Estate as follows,

190 fence Rails 151. 2 Candle Moulds 2/6. 1 brass Saucepan 2/6. £ 1. 0.0
6 doz: bottles 10/. 2 Iron Potracks 10/. 1 small Iron pott & hooks 5/.1. 5.0
1 brass Mortar & Pestle 3/6. 1 Narrow Ax Cleaver & Pestle 5/.0. 8.6
1 Bed. Matrass. old Rug. Blanket. Bedstead Hide & Cord 2/62. 0.0
1 old Bed. Rug, and Blankett 15/. 1 Case Knives & forks 2/6. 0.17.6
1 old Iron pott 2/6. 2 old Tables 2/6. 1 brass Candlestick & Snuffers 3/. 0. 8.0
1 old brass Skillet 1/. 2 frying pans 2/6. 2 Sets Curtain Rods 8/. 0.11.6
3 brass Cocks 3/6. 2 small Earthen Pans 7 ½ 1 Earthen Pott with Sugar 5/.0. 9.1½
2 old Table Clothe 1/. 1 Spitt 1/3. 1 Copper Coffee pott 3/6. 0. 5.9
1 Earthen pott with Hogs lard 8/, 1 Stone pott 2/, 1 Small Tub with Salt 1/3. 0.11.3
1 Plate Warmer 3/. 2 baskets 1/. 1 Large Tin Cannister 7½ 0. 4.7½
1 Wheat Riddle 3/. a Parcel old Pewter wt. 24 lb at 6 d.0.15.0
30 lb Moulded Candles at 8d per lb 20/. 4 Trays 3/6. 1. 3.6
3 Pails & 2 Tubs 5/. 1 old Cupboard 2/6. 2 lb Tallow 10 d 1 brass Box 7½ 0. 8.1½
Parcel Earthen Ware 1/6. 1 Scrubing Brush 7½ 0. 2.1½
2 1/3 Barrels Corn at 5/6 0.12.10
1 Shopboard 1 small Table & 3 Chairs 0. 7.0
a parcel Lumber in the Kitchen 0. 6.0
1 large Common Prayer Book 0. 5.0
1 Bay Horse 2. 0.0

John Kendall Exr.
Mark Cosby
Thomas Penman
Andrew Anderson.

Returned to York County Court the 15th Day of September 1746 and by the Court Order'd to be Recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: