An Inventory and Appraisment of John Stots Estate.

1 Bed Bolster 2 Pillows 1 Quilt Blanket Bedstead £ 1..15..0
3 Tables 1 Trunk 2 old Chairs 1.. 0..0
1 Screen 15/ 1 Gun 15/ 1 Cane 1/ 1..11..0
1 Saddle 10/ Baggs & Boots 5/ 0..15..0
1 Bed, Bolster, Quilt, Rug, Blanket, Pillow, Curtains & Bedstead 4.. 0..0
1 Bed, Bolster, 1 Quilt, 2 Blankets, Curtains, 1 Bedstead 1 Pillow 4..10..0
1 Table 8/ Candies 6/3 1 Dressing Glass 3/6 0..17..9
1 Bed, 1 Bolster, 2 Quilts, 1 Blanket, Curtains, Pillows Bedstead Coverlid 6.. 0..0
1 Table 10/ 1 Close Stool 10/ 1 Looking Glass 1/ 1.. 1..0
1 Bed, Bolster, Pillow, Quilt 3 Blankets Bedstead 3..10..0
2 Buckets 7/6 1 Desk 20/ 1 Show Glass 1/ 1..17..6
1 pr. And Irons 5/ 1 Table 7/6 0..12..6
1 Clock £ 9 1 Ditto £ 2 11.. 0..0
6 Lowback Chairs 35/ 6 high back Do. 15/ 2..10..0
6 Cane Do. & 2 old Elbow Do. 0..10..0
1 Walnut Oval Table 25/ 1 old Do. 7/6 1..12..6
1 Square Table 10/ 1 old Do. 3 /1 1 Looking Glass 20/ 1..13..0
1 pair hand Irons & Brass fender Shovel and Tongs 1.. 0..0
1 Corner Cupboard 1.. 0..0
A Parcel of Earthen Ware China & Stone Ware 2.. 0..0
1 Tea Chest 0.. 7..6
1 Coffee Mill 7 Candlesticks 4 pr. Snuffers 1 Snuff Dish 5 Knives 3 Forks 1 Chafing Dish 0..15..0
2 Tea Kettles, 1 Coffee Pot, 1 Tin Sauce Pan Pestle & Morter 0..12..6
1 Warming Pan & a pair Stilyards0.. 5..0
1 Rat Trap 2/ Scales & Weights 5/0.. 7..0
Hearth Broom & pr. Bellows 5/ a Parcel of Pictures 30/ 1..15..0
78 lb. Pewter 52/ 1 Quart Pot & 1 Funnel 2/ 2..14..0
A Parcel of Books 30/ 1 lb. Tea 12/6 2.. 2..6
7 Pair Sheets 60/ 7 Pillow Cases 7/ 3.. 7..0
3 Table Cloths 15/ 16 Napkins & Towels 8/ 1.. 3..0
8 Window Curtains 8/ 9 Shirts & 5 Necks 50 2..18..0
7 pair Stockins 3 Caps 2 handkerchiefs 0..17..6
1 Black Coat Waistcoat & Breeches 0..15..0
1 Dark Cloth Coat Waistcoat & Breeches 2.. 0..0
1 Great Coat 30/ 1 White Cloth Coat 5/1..15..0
1 Holland Banyan 10/ 3 White Waistcoats 15/ 1.. 5..0
1 Hat 5/ 2 Wiggs 15/ 1 old Gown 2/6 1.. 2..6
1 pr. old Shoes 2 pr. Stretchers 1 pr. Scales 2 tinpans 4 Candlemoulds0..5..0
Carrd. over
1 Brass Kettle 30/ 1 Skillet 1/ 2 Smoothing Iron & 1 Box Iron 2/£ 1..13..0
2 Iron Pots & hooks 7/6 1 Tub 1 Pail 1 Churn, 1 Cask 5/ 0..12..6
1 Frying Pan, Garden Sheers & Spade 0.. 5..0
2 Bottles Mustard, part of a bottle Oyl & Snuff 3/ 1 Brass Cock 2/ 0.. 5..0
1 Camblet Coat Waistcoat & Breeches 2.. 0..0
A Parcel of Bottles 1.. 6..0
1 Gauging Rod 1 Gunter Scale, 1 Sliding Rule 2 Razors 1 Hone & 1 Strap 1 Slate 1 Pocket Book 0.. 7..6
1 Powdering Tub 5/ 2 Potracks & 1 pr. Dogs 7/6 0..12..6
1 Nest of Drawers 10/ 12 1/3 doz. Watch Glasses 49/ 2..19..0
10 doz. & 7 Main Springs12..14..0
5¼ doz. Keys at 4/1.. 1..0
30 Silver Pendants, 9 Gilt Do. at 12 d. 1..19..0
6 pr. Clock hands 12/ ¾ Yard red Sattin 3/0..15..0
2 doz. Screw Wheels 0.. 3..0
1 Gross Minute hands 3 doz & ½ hour hands 6½ doz. Verges 1..13..0
1 doz. ballance Wheels 10/ Pendulum & Pinion Wyre 2/6 0..12..6
7 Thimbles 3 pr. Buttons 1 pr. Studs 16/6 2 pr. Shoe Buckles 21/6 1..18..0
5 Rings 1 pair Buttons & 1 pair Studs 3..12..6
5 Clock Lines 7/6 9½ Ounces old Silver 52/3 d. 2..19..9
1 old Gold Ring 2/6 a Parcel of Tools 44/6 d. 2.. 7..0
1 Bench Vice 1 Small Stake 1 pr. Screws 1 Small Spring Saw 17/6 6 Bath Seals 1/ 0..18..6
A Negro Woman named Appleby 30.. 0..0
A Girl Named Betty 30.. 0..0
A Girl Named Lucy 20.. 0..0
3 Cows & 1 heifer 6.. 0..0
£ 199..15..6

Wil Prentis
Peter Scott

In Obedience to an Order of York County Court We the Subscribers being first Sworn have Appraised the Slaves and Personal Estate of John Stott decd. as above amounting in the whole to One hundred ninety nine Pounds fifteen shillings and six Pence Current Money.
Mark Cosby
J. Davenport
Jno. Coke
Blovet Pasteur

Returned into York County Court the 18th day of September 1749 and Ordered to be Recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.