An inventory and Appraisment of the Estate of Doctor Kenneth McKenzie decd. 1755

To 1 small feather Bed Bolster 2 Blankets 1 pr. Sheets & Bedstead £ 3..10..0
2 Leather Chairs 8/ 1 back Gammon Table Complete 15/ 1.. 3..0
1 small Walnut Table 0..15..0
1 Oak Marlborough Bedstead a Bed & Matrass 1 blanket 1 Counterpane 1 set Callico Curtains & Pillow & Bolster 8.. 0..0
1 Oak Marlborough Bedstead Bed Bolster Blanket Counterpane & Set of Curtains6.. 0..0
1 Field Bedstead & Curtains 2..10..0
2 Potracks 7/6 1 pr. Kitchen Hand Irons & racks 30/ 1..17..6
1 Jack Jack Pully & Weight 30/ 1 small iron Grate & hand Irons 20/ 2..10..0
6 Gall Linseed Oyl 36/ 50 lb White Lead Ground in Oyl 25/ 3.. 1..0
30 lb Spanish brown 7/6 1 Chair & Harness £10 10.. 7..6
1 Coffee Mill 4/ 1 Corn Binn 10/ 1 large brass Kettle 40/ 2..14..0
1 Fish Kettle Copper Pot Stew Pan & Plaister Pan 2.. 4..0
1 Iron Pot & Iron Kettle 15/ 1 Dutch Oven 7/6 1.. 2..6
1 pr. flat Irons 2/. 2 Spits & 1 frying Pan 12/ 0..14..0
1 Meat hook 2/6 1 Garden Pot 3/ 0.. 5..6
1 Bell Metal Skillet & Tea Kettle 15/ 1 Dripping Pan 13/ 1.. 8..0
2 Butter Pots & 1 Pickle Pot 7/6 1 Case & 6 Bottles 6/ 0..13..6
5 Brass Candlesticks 12/6 1 small Spice Mortar 5/ 0..17..6
1 two Quart Pewter Pot Funnel & Turene 0..10..0
1 Copper Coffee Pot Chocolate Pot & Tin Coffee Pot 0.. 7..6
1 Garden Rake & Hoe 3/9 2 doz: new Plates 30/ 1..13..9
16 old Plates 8/ 8 new Dishes 25/ 7 old Dishes 15/ 2.. 8..0
1 Kitchen Table 7/6 1 writing Desk 7/6 0..15..0
1 Negro Wench Betty & Young Child 45.. 0..0
Silver a Negro boy 15.. 0..0
Sally a Little Negro Girl 10.. 0..0
Myrtilla a Wench 40.. 0..0
Harvey a Servant Man 3.. 0..0
Catherine Short a Servant Woman 2.. 0..0
The Shop 40.. 0..0
1 Injecting Syringe Pipes &c 2..10..0
1 Sett of Amputating Instruments 1 Sett of Trepaning Instruments & 1 Sett of Instruments for Lythotomy 8.. 0..0
Coopers Anatomy £4 Baileys Dictionary 15/ 4..15..0
Hoadley on Respiration 3/ Ranby on Gun Shot Wounds 2/ 0.. 5..0
Medicina Statica 2/6 London Dispensatory 4/ 0.. 6..6
Jewish Spy 5 Vol. 15/ Keils Anatomy 1/3 0..16..3
Robinson on Diseases 2/6 Hippocrates Aphorisms 2/ 0.. 4..6
Prasaguim Medicum 1/ Biographia Brittanica 10/ 0..11..0
Virginia Laws 26/ Anatomical figures No. 11 with the Explanation 40/ 3.. 6..0
A Survey of the Microcosm 5/9 Douglas's Midwifery 1/6 0.. 7..3
Boerhaves Chymistry 26/ Winslows Anatomy 15/ 2.. 1..0
Hiesters Surgery 15/ Douglas Lythotomy 2/ 0..17..0
Hiesters Compendrium 5/ Astrue on Women &c. Vol 5 18/ 1.. 3..0
James's & Shaws Dispensatorys 2/ each Friends History on Physic 5/9 0.. 9..9
Gordons Grammer 4/ Garengeats Surgery 2/ 0.. 6..0
Meads Precepts 5/ Chapmans Midwifery 9d 0.. 5..9
Harvey D. Motu Cordis 2/6 Present State of England 3/9 0.. 6..3
Bradley on Gardening 4/ Gays fables 2 Vols. 5/ 0.. 9..0
Chyne on Health 2/ Do. on the Gout 1/6 0..3..6
Pryors Poems 2/6 Gays Poems 2 Vols. 4/ 0.. 6..6
Cheveldon on the Stone 2/ Do. on Anatomy 5/ 0.. 7..0
Wilson Chymistry 2/6 Praxis Medica 2/ 0.. 4..6
Gazetteer 2/ Hudibrass 3/ Monroes Anatomy 1/6 0.. 6..6
Mead on Poisons 5/ State of Midwifery 1/6 0.. 6..6
Ledrans Operations 2 Vols. 10/ Saviard Observations 5/0..15..0
Sharps Critical Enquiry 3/ St. Ives on the Eyes 5/ 0.. 8..0
Sharps Surgery 5/ Medical Essays 10/10 0..15..10
Medical Essays Edenby 10/10 Thompson on Desecting 3/ 0..13..10
Sturlock on Dentition 4/ Petit on the Bones 4/ 0.. 8..0
Mauricea's Midwifery 5/ Daventrys Do. 4/ Vansweeten 8 Vols. 40/ 2.. 9..0
Hillery on the Small Pox & Robinson on Decays 0.. 7..6
Sydenhams Works 4/ Baglivi & Pitcarn 9/ 0..13..0
Bellini 4/ Lomius on Fevers 5/ Mead on Small Pox 2/6 0..11..6
Modern Practise of Physic 2 Vols. 8/ Wainwright on Non Natruals 4/ 0..12..0
Friend on Fevers 5/ Friends Emanalogia 3/ 0.. 8..0
Shaws Practice of Physic 2 Vols. 7/6 Arbuthnot on Air 3/ 0..10..6
Turner 4/ Vols. 15/ Sundry Books 5/6 Sandy's Ovid 5/9 1.. 6..3
1 Mahogony Desk & Book Case £10 1 large Looking Glass £3..10 13..10..0
1 Corner Cupboard 21/6 1 Round Mahogony Table 26/ 2.. 7..6
1 Oval Walnut Table 20/ 1 Square Walnut Table 21/6 2.. 1..6
2 Carved Mahogony Chairs 40/ 6 Mahogony Chairs £3 12/ 5..12..0
6 Walnut Chairs £3 2 Elbow Walnut Chairs 30/ 4..10..0
1 Lolling Mahogony Chair £3..10/ 1 two Arm black leather Chair £4 7..10..0
1 Wash Bason & Mahogony Stand 15/ 1 Silver Punch Ladle 21/6 1..16..6
2 Hand irons Fire Shovel & Tongs 0..15..0
35 Ozs. Silver at 7/6 13.. 2..6
2 doz: China Plates 50/ 8 China Bowls 7/6 2..17..6
2 China Butter Boats 7/6 Old Crockery Ware 7/6 0..15..0
8 Oz: G: Vita Vinagar Crewit with Glasses 0.. 4..0
1 Tea Table with white China Cups & Saucers &c 2.. 0..0
Anatomical Pictures 21/6 blue Painted Buffett £4 5.. 1..6
1 Fiddle Fiddle Bow & Strings 21/6 1 Looking Glass 40/ 3.. 1..6
1 pr. Hand Bellows 2/6 3 large Maps 10/ 0..12..6
1 pr. Squeesers 1/3 5 small Maps 20/ 1.. 1..3
1 Painted floor Cloth 20/ 1 Chimney Glass £5 6.. 0..0
12 Fruit Pieces £5 1 Walnut Dressing Table 20/ 6.. 0..0
1 small Dressing Glass 1.. 0..0
1 Mahogany Close Stool Chair & Pan 2.. 3..0
12 old Pictures 12/ 1 large Hair Trunk 26/ 1..18..0
To the Medicines & Shop Utensils 105..9..11

The above was appraised by Us duly Sworn

Alexr. Jameson
Thos. Hornsby
Hugh Orr

Returned into York County Court the 18th day of August 1755 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: