In Pursuance of an order of York Court We the subscribers have Appraised the Estate of William Wilcox as follows

A Feather Bed a Bolster 2 Pillows Curtains for a Field Bed a Green Rug 2 blankets a Hide & Bedstead & Rope £ 5.. 0..0
A Feather Bed a Bolster a Bedstead Rope Hide & Quilt 1..10..0
41 Sides Sole Leather & some Pieces making about 42 sides in all 10..10..0
6 Calf Skins 18/ 8 Sides Upper Leather 24/ 2.. 2..0
14 pair Soles & several in Soles and a good parcel of Scraps of Leather & 2 White Sheep Skins 1.. 1..3
1 pr. Dogs Shovel & Tongs a pair of Bellows & Candlestick and a parcel of other Lumber in an old Trunk 0.. 6..3
2 Saddles 2 Bridles & Cirsingle 1.. 0..0
3 Chairs Rush bottom 0.. 3..9
26 Lasts 1 pr. Shoe Stretchers 3 pr. Boot Stretchers 1.. 1..6
All his tools & 3 Benches 1.. 0..0
2 Pair New Boots 20/ 11 pr. Mens Womens & Childs Shoes 30/ 2..10..0
2 Axes 2/ a pair Boot Legs 2/ a Savcall 5/ 0.. 9..0
A Parcel of Dryed Beef and Bacon 0.. 5..0
A Pine Table a large tray a tin Can 4 Plates a Bowl 4 Spoons a Butter Pott 10/ a Small table 1/ 0..11..0
An old Chest a Tea Kettle a Grid Iron Frying Pan A Sauce pan a Trivet Potrack some Crackle Ware 0..10..6
7 Sheets & 2 Towells 40/ 5 pr. Stockins 1/3d 2.. 1..3
1 Chex Shirt 2 White Do. 2 Cravats 2 White Waistcoats 2 Remnants of Chex 0..15..0
1 Cross cut Saw 0..10..0
2 pair Breeches 3 waistcoats 1 Great Coat 2 Close body Coats & 1 new Do. & a Trunk 8.. 0..0
2 Hats & 1 Wigg 1..5..0

July 13th 1757

Peter Scott
Alexr. Craig
Samuel Galt
John Greenhow

Returned into York County Court the 18th day of July 1757 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: