An Inventory & Appraisement of the Estate of Jas: Bradshaw deced.

A Coat Vest & Britches of Duroy £8. four pr. britches 3 Vest of Seersucker £3.7.6
6 table Cloths 2 Napkins 8/3. 6 plates Mrs. N 7/6. 1 Dish Mrs. N. 2/ -.17.9
6 Soop plates 6/ four Dishes four plates, 1 bason 18 lb. at 10d 15/ 1.1.-
1 frying pan 1/10½ 2 Candle Sticks & Tinder box 7/-.8.10½
A Prell. old Books 10/ A Sea bed 2 Pillows & a blankett £1.5 1.15.-
6 Pictures 6/ one box Iron 1/6 A pot & hooks 5/ A Copper Saucepan 6/-.18.6
A brass kettle 4/ two Iron bound Caggs 3/ A Chest lock & Stilliards 6/-.13.-
A pr. bellows -.1.6
A [Prell?] lignum Vita [torn]
[torn]sers [torn]
[torn] old tu[torn] [torn]
2 old Wiggs[torn]
£ 9.03.01½

James McKindo

William Harwood

John Trotter

At a Court held for York County Febry. 20th. 1726/7 This Inventory & [appraisement] of the Estate of James Bradshaw deced. was presented [in Court by Phi Lightfoot] Gentl. the Admr. & admitted to record.


Phi: Lightfoot Cl.] Cur.