In Obedience to an order of Court held for York County We the Subscribers have met & appraised the Estate of Samuel Hunter deced. as followeth.

To 2 pot & pot hooks qty. 55 lb. at 3d 13/9 To a bed & Covering £3.16. To a bed pr. blanketts & old Rugg 52/.
To a bed & 2 Rugs £2.11.9 To large Seal Skin trunk 25/ To a 30 Galln: Cask Tobo. box & Carpenters rule 4/6.
To 9 old books a table trunk & bedsted all old 16/ To a ps. persian £2.12.6 To 7 Glasses 5/6
To 21 lb. thread & a bunch Mohair £3.4. To 4 pillow Cases 4 Napkins & a table Cloth 15/.
To 2 table Cloths & 8 Sheets 37/6. To 2 oz. ¾ of old Silver @ 4/6 P 12/4/12 To 2 pr. tow & pr. Cotton Cards 5/.
To 2 old tables & 2 Chairs 13/. To a pr. tongs & Shovell, 2 Spits a frying pan & a Gun 26/.
To pewter £2.2.6. To 5 Candlesticks, 2 Skilletts & a Spice mortar 17/.
To box Iron & heaters & Smoothing Iron 9/. To Delf plates 2 tinn pots & a funnell 4/.
To a Pcell. of Stone Ware 14/ To a Pcell. of old Cask old Spinning Wheel & bed Sted 10/.
To a Prell. of old pails & trays a Rum Teirce & a brass Cock 12/6. To 14 lb. Cotton at 16d. P 18/8.
To 2 beds a Rug Curtains & Vallains £8.15. To 2 hand Saws 12 bottles & a pr. of haims 9/
To a Linnen Wheel a box & 30 lb. old Iron 17/6. To Mare & a Cows £3.10. To a Negro boy £20. To an old Chain 10d.

Mary Hunter Admrix.
Wm. Harwood
Jno. Trotter
Jno. Butterworth

At a Court held for York County Septr. 18th. 1727 This Inventory & Appraisemt. of the Estate of Samuel Hunter deced. was presented in Court and admitted to record.
Test. Phi: Lightfoot Cl. Cur.