Pursuant to an order of York County Court Robert Ballard James Mackindo and Richard Baker being first sworn before Capt. John Buckner one of his Majesty's Justices of the peace for the said County have viewed & apprais'd the Estate of James Simmons decd. as follows.

a mans Hat and box £-.12.-
1 pr. boots 1 pr. Spatterdashes & 1 pr. Spurs-.18.-
a Suit of brand Cloth Cloaths 4.10.-
a stripd holland wastcoat & 2 pr. breeches1. 5.-
a duffill Coat & 2 pr. leather breeches-.13.-
a frize Coat and a duroy do 1.10.-
a black Callimanco wastcoat & 2 pr. breeches1. -.-
4 linnen wastcoats & 3 pr. breeches1. -.-
7 pair Stockings -.16.-
3 Wiggs 1. -.-
2 pr. tooth drawers -. 2.-
5 holland Shirts 2. 2.6
3 pr. shoes 2 wastcoats 1 pr. long breeches (old)-.10.-
a Chest -. 5.-
19 Chissels & Gouges-.11.10½
1 two foot Rule -. 1.3
10 files -. 3.4
18 molding plains -.13.6
2 Joiners ploughs -. 4.-
2 Chissels -. 2.-
2 Carpenters hammers-.1.8
10 Gimblets -. 1.8
4 Augers -. 6.-
1 adz and hand Saw -. 4.-
1 Jointer Jack plane & smoothing plain-. 6.6
1¼ Inch Auger -. 2.-
2 large Hammers -. 5.-
£ 19.11.3½

Robt. Ballard
James Mackindo
Richd. Baker

At a Court held for York County May 11th 1730 This Inventory & appraisement of the Estate of James Simmons decd. was presented in Court & admitted to Record.
Test. Phi: Lightfoot Cl. Cur.