In obedience to an order of York County Court dated Febry the 21st 1736 We the Subscribers being first Sworn did appraise the Estate of Doctr. Robert Bowis as follows Vizt.

To 1 horse 15/ Two bridles 7/£1..2..0
To 1 Trooping Saddle 1 housing 1 Case Pistols, Holster Caps and brest plate2..10..0
To 1 Silver hilted Sword & belt1..10..0
To 1 Gun1..0..0
To 1 Hanger 5/ One Cow 20/1..5..0
To 1 Still and Stand2..10..0
To 1 box of Capitol Instruments0..15..0
To 1 Marble & 2 bellmettle Morters1..17..6
To a Set of Drawers 15/ & two fine Sifters1..2..6
To 1 pr. old Spansels 2/6 & a parcell of old books0..12..6
To a Set of blue Curtains1..7..6
To an old Rugg 7/ & one ozenbriggs Bed 20/1..7..0
To 1 Sqr. Table & 9 boxes0..10..0
To 1 Sqr. Table, a pint 1 half pint 1 jill & 1 [torn] jill potts 1 brass 1 Iron Candlesticks 11 plates 3 Dishes 1 Skimer 1 ladle1..5..0
To 1 bedd, bedstead, Cord, Rugg, Sheets, pillows, pillabers and a blanket3..0..0
To 4 flagg Chairs & a Corner Cupboard0..7..0
To a Case of bottles0..12..6
To 6 Cain, 6 leather & 1 Elbow Chairs2..0..0
To 1 Escritore 25/ To 1 Watch @ 70/4..15..0
To 1 looking Glass 12/6 & 7 pictures 3/0..15..6
To 2 oval Tables 12/6 To 1 Saddle & housing 15/1..7..6
To 5 books vallued @1..4..0
To 1 p. hand Irons fire Shovel and tongs0..4..0
To a Set of Pocket Instruments1..6..6
To Physick, bottles & c @1..19..6
To 1 p. money Scales 2/6 1 frying pan 1/60..4..0
To 1 Iron pott, Hooks & pot Rack0..10..0
To 1 Grid Iron0..3..0

Rt. Jackson

Jones Irwin

Jno. Trotter

Thos. Willis Irwin

Phil Lightfoot Admsr.

At a Court held for York County March the 21st 1736 This Inventory & appraisment of the Estate of Robert Bowis decd. was presented in Court & order'd to be recorded.

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Matt Hubard Cl Cur