In Obedience to an order of York Court bearing date the 21st. day of Febry. 1742/3 We the Subscribers being first Sworn did meet & appraise the Estate of John Bond decd. as followeth.

To Bedsted, Bed, & furniture £4. To Do. £5. To Do. £3£ 12.-.-
To 2 Do. old £4. To a horse & Saddle £6 10.-.-
To 6 Cows 5 Calves 2 small Stears 9.-.-
To 1 Yoke of Stears & Cart 4.-.-
To Negro Man Named Frank 25.-.-
To Negro Woman named Jenny 12.-.-
To Negro boy named James 10.-.-
To Negro Girl named Hannah 20.-.-
To 1 Kettle two pots & Rack 1.15.-
To 1 Loom and parcel old Lumber -.12.6
To parcel of pewter 60/. To 1 Spit 2 Candle sticks & pr. Doggs 8/3.8.-
To 1 frying pan one funnel one Ax one Tongs & Shovel & pcel. old Lumber-.15.-
To parcel old Slays & harness 10/. To 15 Chears £4.145.4.-
To 2 Chests & 2 Tables 40/. To 9 flagg Chears & pr. Mony Scales 18/2.18.-
To 5 Bowls & 6 ½ dozn. bottles 20/. To Cold Still 48/ 3.8.-
To 1 Spining wheal 3 old boxes k old Desk 1.-.-
To 1 Box Iron & heaters & parcel old Books -.10.-
To 2 horses & 1 Saddle £5. To 2 Saws 30/6.10.-
To old Case of knives & forks 1/. To Cash £36.11. 7 36.12.7
To pcel. Leather 21/6 To 3 raw hides & fleshing Knife 16/6 1.18.-
To ½ li. Shew thread 1/3 To parcel old Iron -.2.6
£166.13.7 7

Ann Bond her mark

Edward Moss

John Goodwin junr.

James Goodwin

At a Court held for York County March the 21st. 1740 This Inventory & appraisment of the Estate of John Bond decd. was this day retd. to Court and order'd to be recorded.

Exam. Test.

Matt. Hubard Cl. Cur.