1743/4 Janry. 14th.
Appraisment of the Estate of Walter Taylor decd.

A Mare & Colt 60/. 3 Cows & an Yearling 82/ £7.2.0
A white horse 5/. Best Bed a pr. new sheets a Bolster & old Quilt and 2 Blankets £3.16. a Bed old rugg & blanket 32/6 5.13.6
3 old Beds bolster & old Bedsted 1.8.-
a pr. Trussells a Bedsted & hyde 10/. 17 old Chairs 10/7 ½ .1.-.7½
2 Taylors Irons 2 Lapboards & a pr. old sheers 0.10.6
a spining Wheel & a pr. Cards 0.8.0
Carry'd up £16.2.7½
Brot. up £16.2.7½
a Saddle & 2 Bridles 7/6 a parcel of old Cart Gear 8/3 0.15.9
2 Trunks and a Tray 7/. an old Bedsted 2/. a spade & old Iron 3/0.12.0
An Ax Saw & Wedges 9/. a parcel of Bottles 5/. 3 Candle Moulds 3/9 0.17.9
Old pewter 29/4 ½ 15 plates 13/ 2.2.4½
a Tea Kettle 3 Candlesticks Tongs & Funnel 0.10.6
a Table & Chest of Draws 10/. a Sign 10/. a Bedsted & Cord 6/ 1.6.0
a Chest of Draws 15/. a Table 15/. a Hair Trunk 10/ 2.-.-
2 Looking Glasses 1/7½ an old Bed & Bedsted 10/. 5 Tables 12/6 1.4.1½
6 Chairs & a safe 11/ old Tubbs & potts 1/3 0.12.3
a pcel. pot racks & flesh forks 7/6. a pr. Doggs, Tongs shovell & frying. pan 14/6 1.2.0
a Copper pot sauce pan & spitt 8 a pot & hooks 6/ 0.14.0
2 Brass Kettles and an Iron pot 32/. 4 Stone pots & a Table 5/1.17.0

John Trotter
James Mills
Patrick Matthews his mark

Eliza: Taylor her mark

At a Court held for York County Febry. the 20th. 1743/4 This Inventory & appraisment of the Estate of Walter Taylor decd. was this day retd. to Court and order'd to be recorded.
Matt. Hubard Cl. Cur.