Richard Wards Appraisement Decr. 19th. 1743/4.

A Silver Watch 40/. 1 pr. Silver shoe buckles & 1 pr. Sleeve buttons 10/ £2.10.0
2 rasors, 1 Mettle snuff box, a Knife & fork & an Ink Glass 0.3.6
3 wite & 2 Chex shirts 25/. a red Duffle Coat, a Duroy Coat & Wastecoat a Camlet wastecoat, a pr. Leather Breeches 1 pr. Buckskin Gloves a Cotton Cap, an old hat, an old wig, a Ticken wallet a Leather apron a pr. old Trousers & an old Cotten Cap £2.2.6 3.7.6
Cash 8.6.0

Ishmael Moody
Edmund Dobson
Thos. Brewer

Pat. Matthews. Admr.

At a Court held for York County May the 21st. 1744 This Inventory & Appraisment of the Estate of Richard Ward decd. was this day retd. to Court and order'd to be recorded.
Matt. Hubard Cl. Cur.