In Obedience to an Order of York County Court bearing date the 15th Day of December 1755 We the Subscribers first being Sworn before a Justice of the Peace of the said County have appraised in Current Money the Estate of John Hay decd. as followeth

1 Horse £8 1 Do. £4 1 Mare £2 1 Horse £4 10/ 1 Do. 45/£20..15..0
24 Sheep £6 1 Yoke of Steers £5 1 Do. £415.. 0..0
5 Steers £8..15/ 1 Cow 20/ 6 Young Steers £615..15..0
18 Cows £22..10/ 8 Young Cattle £6 7 Yearlings £2..19..631.. 9..6
3 Sows 30/ 5 Do. 15/ 5 Shoats 10/ 4 Hogs & 6 Pigs 26/4.. 1..0
1 Gun 40/ 1 pr. Pistols Holsters & Cartouch box 30/3..10..0
1 Cart & Wheels £3 Yokes & Chains 12/3..12..0
1 Saddle Housing & Bridle 30/ 4 Hides 15/2.. 5..0
2 Hides & some Peices of Sole Leather0..12..6
6 Sides of Upper Leather 30/ 1 side Do. 3/61..13..6
13 Flag Chairs 13/ 1 Dial 3/0..16..0
1 Silver Watch £6 1 Warming Pan 3/66.. 3..6
2 Casks 6/ 1 Pot & 2 Milk Pans 1/30.. 7..3
2 Pots 1 Bowl 1 Pan & 1 Cask 2/6 a Cask & some Salt 4/60.. 7..0
A Chest & Contents 8/ 1 Chest 1/6 a Parcel of Wooden Ware 10/0..19..6
2 Sifters 1/3 1 doz: Pewter Plates 16/0..17..3
2 Dishes 5/6 31 lb old Pewter 31/ 20 lb. Soap 12/62.. 9..0
5 Iron Wedges 2 Links & Staples0.. 8..0
8 Reap hooks 1 hand Saw 1 Cross Cut Do.1..11..0
A Parcel of old Iron 3/ an Adz Auger & Gouge 3/60.. 6..6
1 Skillet 6/ 16 lb. of Feathers 16/ 1.. 2..0
1 Desk 40/ Clerk upon the Bible 20/3.. 0..0
the Virginia Laws revised 20/ a Parcel of old Books 10/1..10..0
A Razor & Hone 3/ a Case & 9 Bottles 9/ Table & looking Glass 7/60..19..6
A Spice Morter Pestle & Pepper box0.. 2..6
1 Chest 5/ 1 Walnut Oval Table 18/1.. 3..0
1 Silver Tankard 1 Tumbler of Do. & 2 Spoons of Do.5.. 5..0
1 Bed Sheets & Bedstead 20/ 2 Do. 1 pr. Sheets Rug Bedstead with bolsters £66.. 0..0
1 large Chest 3/ 1 Kettle & 1 Hhd 22/61.. 5..6
1 Chest 2/6 6 Cyder Casks 22/ 9 old Hoes 6/1..10..6
51 lb. Pot Iron 12/9d 35 lb. Do. 5/10d 54 lb Do. 4/6d1.. 3..1
2 Potracks 1 Pan & 1 Spit 12/6 3 Earthen Pans 7½0..13..1½
A Negro fellow named Robin £22..10 a Negro Do. called Tom £3052..10..0
A Negro called Casar £30 A Negro Wench called Rachel £2555.. 0..0
A Negro Wench called Jenny £30 A Negro Wench called Hannah £3565.. 0..0
A Negro Boy called Will £30 A Negro Girl called Judith £2555.. 0..0
A Negro Boy called Jacob £20 A Negro Boy called Jupiter £1535.. 0..0
A Negro Boy called Isaac7.. 0..0
80 Barrels of Corn at 8/32.. 0..0
2389 lb Tobacco at 18/ per Ct.21..10..0
A Case of Knives & Forks0.. 3..0
3 Casks 6/ 1 pair Mill Stones 25/1..11..0
1 Stack of Fodder0..15..0

Edward Tabb
John Kerby
Butts Roberts

Returned into York County Court the 15th day of March 1756 and Ordered to be recorded
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: