An Inventory of the Appraisment of the Estate of Susanna Fontaine decd. Vizt.

1 Negro Man Named Tom £25. 1 Negro Woman Named Hebe £20.£40.. 0..0
1 Negro Woman Named Alice with a Child Named Cyrus50.. 0..0
1 Negro Woman Named Moll £35. 1 Negro Woman Named Betty £3570.. 0..0
1 Negro Woman Named Kate with a Child Named Robin45.. 0..0
1 Negro Woman Named Sarah £35. 1 Young Negro Man Named Sam £40.75.. 0..0
1 Negro boy Named Peter £30. 1 Negro Girl named Joan £30.60.. 0..0
1 Negro boy named Jack £28. 1 Negro boy named Tom £28.56.. 0..0
1 Negro Girl named Joan £28. 1 Negro boy named Jemmy £28.56.. 0..0
1 Negro boy named Bob £26. 1 Negro Girl named Joan £20.46.. 0..0
1 Negro Girl named Lucy £20. 1 Negro Girl named Alice £1838.. 0..0
1 Negro boy named Daniel £15. 1 Negro boy named Billy £15.30.. 0..0
1 Negro boy named Moses £12. 1 Negro boy named Dick £12.24.. 0..0
1 Negro boy named Harry28.. 0..0
1 Yoke of old Steers £3..10/. 1 Yoke of Young Do 52/. 1 Do at 50/8..12..0
1 old Steer 35/. 13 old Cows at 30/s each21..5..0
8 Heifers at 35/s each 1 Young Bull 21/615..1..6
4 two Years old Steers 15/ each £3. 4 Calves 40/s5.. 0..0
7 Ewes & 1 Ram at 6/ each2.. 8..0
5 Young Hogs at 9/ each 1 Shoat 5/2..10..0
1 old Horse 50/ 1 Do 10/s3.. 0..0
1 old four wheel'd Chaise with Harness for two Horses12.. 0..0
1 pair Cart Wheels Yokes and Chains3.. 0..0
2 old Spinning Wheels with Iron Spindles0..10..0
1 Iron Spit 4/6 four pot racks 20/1.. 4..6
4 old Iron Pots and 1 old frying Pan 10/ Pails & Piggins 10/1.. 0..0
1 half Bushell 2/6. The body of a Horse Cart 7/60..10..0
3 broad Hoes & 1 Grubbing Do 7/. 1 old brass Kettle 7/60..14..6
1 Cross cut Saw 12/. 1 Warming Pan 7/6. 1 old Wheat Sieve 3/1.. 2..6
5 Stone Juggs 9/. six Earthen Milk Pans 3/0..12..0
5 Stone Butter Pots 1 Earthen Cream Do & 1 Quart Mugg0..12..6
3 Brass Candlesticks 3/. 7 Pewter Candle Moulds 4/4½0.. 7..4½
2 Flat Irons and 1 Box Do0.. 2..6
2 Glass Salt Cellars 2 Glass Tumblers & 1 Drinking Glass0.. 3..0
2 Dozen Tin Pattipans 4/. 4 hard Metal Pewter Dishes 12/s. 4 Do 7/61.. 3..6
22 Pewter Plates 35/. 1 Pewter Bason 1/3d1..16..3
1 Small black Walnut folding Table 12/6. 1 small square Table 5/0..17..6
2 old Bell Metal Skillets0..l5..0
Carrd over
Brot over
1 small Chest of Draws 20/s. 1 old Corner Cupboard 5/1.. 5..0
1 Broken Set of China 13/. 1 old large Looking Glass 21/6. 1 small Do 4/1..18..6
1 large Book Case £3. 1 small Do 7/63.. 7..6
3 Pictures £3. 1 Cloaths Press 20/. 1 Desk £37.. 0..0
1 Pair Money Scales & Weights 10/. 1 Searce 1/6. 7 old Chairs 7/60..19..0
1 Coffee Mill 3/. 1 Copper Tea Kettle and Coffee Pot 10/0..13..0
1 pr Fire tongs Shovel & 1 pair Bellows0.. 4..0
1 pr. Iron Doggs 4/. 2 pr old Steelyards 2/60.. 6..6
1 Plate Warmer & Grid Iron 2/6 1 pr. large Scales & Weights 3/0.. 5..6
1 brass Spice Mortar 3/. 1 Marble Do. 3/0.. 6..0
6 Iron Wedges 10/. 65lb old Iron 5/5d0..15..5
1 old Plane a large Gimblet & a pair of Shoemakers knippers0.. 1..3
15 lb old Pewter 7/6. A parcel of Upper Leather 16/s A parcel of Soal Do. 15/1..18..6
11 Dozen Common Glass Bottles 20/s. 1 pr. hand Mill Stones 10/1..10..0
2 Earthen Jarrs0.. 7..6
1 Feather Bad & furniture with Bedstead & Cord6.. 6..0
1 Do.4..16..0
1 Bed & 2 blankets 36/s. 2 Table Cloths 15/2..11..0
1 old Chest & a Flasket 4/. A Parcel of Lumber 6/0..10..0
8 Pounds Spinning Cotton0..10..0
6 large Silver Spoons £3. six Tea Do. 20/4.. 0..0
35 lb Butter 26/3d 8 Bushels of Wheat 24/2..10..3
1 old Cask & 1 old Box 2/6. 11 Pounds of Hops 11/0..13..6

In Obedience to an Order of York Court bearing Date the 20th September 1756 We the Subscribers being first Sworn before Capt. William Allen one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace then did appraise all such Estate as was brought before us of Susanna Fontaine decd. As Witness our hands this 11th of November 1756
Chas. Hansford Junr.
Matt Hubberd
Matthew Burt.

Returned into York County Court the 15th day of November 1756 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: