The Appraisment of the Estate of Thomas Mountfort decd. Janry. 30th 1757

1 Negro Man Named Frank£40.. 0..0
1 Negro Woman Named Beck25.. 0..0
1 Do. Lydia30.. 0..0
1 Do. Sue30.. 0..0
1 Girl Fann25.. 0..0
1 Negro Woman Fillis35.. 0..0
1 Do. Nanny35.. 0..0
1 Boy Joe20.. 0..0
1 Do. Will18.. 0..0
1 Do. Jack15.. 0..0
1 Do. Dick15.. 0..0
1 Do. Ben10.. 0..0
1 Girl Grace8.. 0..0
1 Boy Lewis7.. 0..0
1 Horse £6 1 Mare & Colt £39.. 0..0
3 Steers £4 20 Cows £27 5 Heifers £536.. 0..0
6 Steers &1 Bull £7 7 two Year Olds £4..10/11..10..0
5 Yearlings 40/ 4 Sows & 8 Pigs 45/4.. 5..0
8 Shoats 28/ 8 Hogs £6..13..48.. 1..4
13 Shoats £3..8..3 1 Gun 15/4.. 3..3
1 Saddle & Housing 20/ 1 pr. Pistols & Holsters 38/2..18..0
1 Sword & Cartouch box 10/ 1 Bed & furniture £5..5/5..15..0
1 Bed & furniture £3 1 Do. 31/8d 2 Tables & Cloth 18/5.. 9..8
4 Leather Chairs 16/ some other Chairs 7/6 1 Chest 4/1.. 7..6
1 Trunk 5/ 1 Looking Glass 5/ 1 Chest & Trunk 12/61.. 2..6
A Parcel of Tubbs 2/6 2 Chests 7/ 1 Marble Morter 2/60..12..0
4 Sides Leather 20/ A Parcel Stone Pots 11/1..11..0
Some Earthen Pans 6/ 2 Juggs 1/3d 1 Warming Pan 3/0..10..3
Some Glass Bottles 3/6 1 Iron Skillet 1/3 1 box Iron & Heaters 3/0.. 7..9
Some Pewter 10/9d Do. 8/ 6 ¾ lb old Pewter 3/91.. 2..6
50½ lb old Iron 4/2 ½d 8 weeding Hoes 15/ 18¼ lb Wedge Iron 9/1 ½d1.. 8..4
1 Iron Pestle 1/3d Some Axes Hammer &Hatchet 15/60..16..9
1 Spade 2/6 1 Cane 18/ Some Earthen Ware 2/61.. 3..0
Some Earthen & Glass Vessels 3/6 pair Money Scales 5/0.. 8..6
Some Books 10/ Some old Silver 3/8d0..13..8
A Parcel of Trifles 2/ 4½ lb Shots 1/60.. 3..6
Knives forks & 1 pr. Shears 2/ 1 Spinning Wheel & Cards 4/3d0.. 6..3
3 Iron Pots Hooks 1 Rack & frying Pan0..19..6
Some Wooden Ware 2/ 1 pr. Stilyards 4/ 1 Spitt 2/0.. 8..0
1 Cart & Wheels with some Iron Work 50/ 2 Hides 6/2..16..0
Some Trifles 1/ 1 Meal Tub Bag Sifters & Tray 7/60.. 8..6
198 lb Cotton in Seed £3..1..10½ ½lb Pickt Cotton 7½d3.. 2..6
Some Rope 2/6 2 Bushells Pulse0.. 7..6
43 lb Feathers with Bags £2..11..9 Fodder £4..3..86..15..5
47 Barrels of corn at 7/16.. 9..0
A Parcel Cyder Casks 19/ 3 Tubbs 3/1.. 2..0
41 Geese 41/ & 35 Dunghill Fowls3.. 2..10½
1 Chain & Spinning Wheel 5/ 2 Hogs 12/ 0..17..0
£448.. 4..½

In Obedience to an Order of the Justices of York Court We the Subscribers have Appraised all the Estate of Thomas Mountfort decd. as was put to our View and this above is our return.
Edward Cross
Thos. Pescud
Everard Dowsing

Returned into York County Court the 18th day of July 1757 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: