In Obedience to an Order of York County Court Dated September 16th 1745. We whose Names are underwritten(being first duly Sworn) did meet and Appraise the Estate of Capt. John Ballard decd. as followeth vizt.

A Cargoe of Goods unopen'd the amount by the Shop Notes appear to be (exclusive of Charges)
Sterling£ 802..0..7
60 p Ct advance thereon481..4..4
£ 1283..4..11
Remains of Goods left in his Store at the time we appraised the said Estate adjudge the Value to be
Sterling310..12..6 ¾
50 p Ct Advance thereon155..6..3¼
£ 1749..3..9
Brought over£1749..3..9
A Clock£ 8..0..0
12 Leather Chairs @ 5/3..0..0
1 Large black Walnut Table27/61..7..6
Mahagony Claw Table14/0..14..0
1 small square Table7/60..7..6
1 Desk35/1..15..0
1 fire Screen26/1..6..0
1 large looking Glass26/1..6..0
1 Spy Glass12/0..12..0
1 Corner Cupboard15/0..15..0
11 large and small Pictures Maps &c2..4..3
1 pr. Iron Dogs Tongs shovel and fender0..12..0
1 Standing Bedstead with Bed Curtains Rug &c11..0..0
1 Low Bedstead with Bed Rug furniture4..0..0
3 Beds with a parcel of Bed furniture12..0..0
6 Rib'd back Chairs3/41..0..0
1 small Table6/60..6..6
1 Chest7/60..7..6
1 Standing Bedstead with Bed Curtains &c12..0..0
1 Table and Dressing Glass30/1..10..0
1 Suit Callico Curtains for field Bed40/2..0..0
1 Low Bedstead with Bed Rug &c4..0..0
1 old Arm'd Chair & Back Gammon Table0..7..6
1 large standing Bedstead with Bed and furniture8..10..0
1 large Walnut Corner Cupboard1..12..6
1 small Corner Cupboard0..5..0
6 Leather Chairs2/60..15..0
£ 59..14..0
1 old Easie Chair35/1..15..0
1 Table with Drawers7/60..7..6
1 small square Table5/0..5..0
1 looking Glass7/60..7..6
1 Cedar Chest10/0..10..0
1 pair large Iron Dogs with fender &c1..10..0
1 Octogon Table0..2..6
1 Oval Table0..15..0
1 pair Trussels0..8..0
1 large Table7/60..7..6
1 Pine Table5/0..5..0£ 6..13..0
Brought over£ 1837..7..0
10 pr. Pillow Cases different sorts2/£ 1..0..0
15 pr. Sheets different sorts13..0..0
2 Cotton tufted Coverlids3..0..0
2 Callico & 1 Cotton Do. Old1..5..0
6 large Table Cloths & 12 Napkins3..0..0
12 Coarse Do. & 18 Towells2..0..0
2½ Groce Glass Bottles3..15..0
7 5 Gallon Carboys3/1..1..0
1 Alimbick2..10..0
3 Oyl Jarrs7/1..1..0
£ 31..12..0
82 Ounces Silver Plate6/24..12..0
1 pair large Brass Scales &c16/0..16..0
3 pair Money Scales &c0..15..0
61 lb. Coco Nuts@ 12 d3..1..0
4 doz. hard Metal Pewter Plates18/3..12..0
50 lb. hard Metal Pewter Dishes12 d2..10..0
45 lb. old Pewter7 d1..6..0
1 Bucket & Iron Chain20/1..0..0
70 lb. Copper Kettles12 d3..10..0
1 Copper Stew Pan 8/ & 1 Copper pot 12/1..0..0
2 Bell Metal Mortars & 1 skillett1..5..0
5 Iron Pots different sizes1..15..0
1 Tea Kettle, 2 Chocolate & 1 Coffee pot0..15..0
1 Brass Kettle1..5..0
2 pair Iron Dogs1..0..0
1 Plate Warmer0..7..6
2 Spits a Ladle and a flesh fork0..10..0
2 Iron Griddles0..5..0
1 Paint Stone & Muller0..7..6
2 pair Brass Candlesticks5/0..10..0
£ 50..2..3
2 pair Iron Candlesticks & 2 pair Steel Snuffers0..3..6
1 Gallon, 1 Pottle, 1 Pint & 2 half pint Pots0..17..3
1 Oak Desk 20/1..0..0
1 Chimney Glass26/1..6..0
1 Writing Desk10/0..10..0
1 pair Stilyards6/0..6..0
1 pair Mill Stones20/1..0..0
£ 5..2..9
£ 1924..4..0
Brought over£ 1924..4..0
4 Barrels Turpentine5/1..0..0
3 Barrels Tar6/0..18..0
1 Cart with Wheels & Harness9..0..0
1 Dray with Wheels &c2..5..0
1 old White Horse0..10..0
1 large Pacing White Horse10..0..0
1 Young black Horse7..0..0
2 black Chaise Horses14..0..0
1 Chaise and Harness14..0..0
1 old Mill Pad0..3..0£58..16..0
20 lb. Coffee@ 12d1..0..0
934 lb. Indigo4/186..16..0
34 lb. Allspice9d1..5..6
32 Bottles Snuff20 d2..3..4
100 lb. Gun Powder125..0..0
113 lb. Rice0..14..1½
2 Barrels qt. Nett 702 lb. Musco. Sugar35/12..5..8
9 Bottles Oyl in a Chest2/0..18..0
a Chest containing a Parcel of Earthen Ware1..10..0
1 hhd. Containing 86 Gallo. Rum@ 3/414..6..8
1 Fosset 3d. and 1 pair Farriers 9 d0..1..0
5 Mahogany Plank2..10..0
1 pair Steps 2/6 a pail 2 /6 & 1 Piggon12 d0..6..0
1 hhd. Musco. Sugar No. 24 qt. Nett 1196 lb. at 40/23..18..4¾
1 ditto better No. 22 qt. Nett 1356 lb. @ 45/30..11..6
1 pair large Scales &c with Weights to Weigh 13 lb.10..0..0
1 old brass Kettle 24 lb.@ 6 d.0..12..0
4 small Bags for Brimstone Allom &c0..0..10
7 Hat Boxs12 d.0..7..00
2 Nail Barrels2d.0..0..4
10 Chests8/4..0..0
1 Cask & Keg for Allspice2 d.0..0..4
1 Boat & Oars50/2..10..0
14 Sheep5/3..10..0
30 Cattle different Sorts20/30..0..0
4 Cows in Town25/5..0..0
£ 339..6..8¼
Carried over£ 2322..6..8¼
Brought over£ 2322..6..8¼
Old Will20..-..-
Young Will30..-..-
Old Moll30..-..-
Young Moll25..-..-
Sue5..-..-£ 405..0..0
£ 2727..6..8¼

Thomas Reynolds
Robt. Shield Junr.
Elias Ligardere

Returned to York County Court the 16th Day of December 1745 and by the Court Order'd to be Recorded
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.