An Inventory & Appraisment of the Estate of Robert Philipson decd.

To 1 Negro Man Harry£15..0..0
To 1 Do. Woman Named Hannah35..0..0
To 1 Silver Can wt. 10 oz. 1 Silver Porringer4..10..0
To 1 small Dram Cup 4 large Spoons 3 Tea Spoons3..5..0
To 1 large Tea Kettle0..7..6
To 1 Trivet to Do.0..0..6
To 1 Chafin Dish, 9 Pattipans0..8..0
To 1 Tin Coffee pot 1 Copper Do.0..4..0
To 1 Candlestick & Snuffers0..1..3
To 1 knife & fork0..0..4
To a parcel Earthan Ware 3 Glasses0..18..0
To 1 Beaufet1..10..0
To 1 Sifter & 1 Searce0..1..6
To 6 Pewter Plates 6 Deep Do.0..10..0
To 4 Pewter Dishes0..9..0
To 1 Box Iron & Heaters 1 Shovel0..3..6
To 1 Case old Knives &c£ 0..2..0
To 1 Iron Morter & Pestle1..0..0
To 1 Chest & 1 small Box0..7..6
To Cash0..5..1
To 1 Scrutore2..10..0
To 1½ Yd. Coarse broad Cloth 1½ Yd. Shalloon0..12..0
To 1 Looking Glass0..4..0
To 1 Large Silver Watch3..10..0
To 1 Chair, 2 Horses & Harness11..0..0
To a Bed Bedstead & furniture4..0..0
To 1 pair Trussels0..7..6
To a parcel old Linnen0..2..6
To 1 large new Chest0..8..0
To 4 old Wigs & 1 Cane0..10..0
To 1 Close Stool0..8..0
To a Shop of Medicines Books Surgeons Instruments &c20..0..0
To 2 Runlets0..2..6
To a Parcel of Books0..7..6
To ½ lb. Bohea Tea0..4..0
To 1 Pottle Pewter Pot & 1 pint Do.0..5..6
To 2 Large Juggs0..5..0
To 1 small Do.0..0..6
To 1 pr. Money Scales & Weights0..5..0
To 500 10d Nails0..3..9
To 1 pr. old Leather Baggs0..0..6
To 1 old Pad Lock0..1..3
To 1 Quart Sauce pan, 1 Piggon0..1..9
To 1 pr. old Scales & Weights0..2..6
To 1 pr. Stilyards0..2..6
To 1 Chopping Knife 1/6 Linnen Wallet0..2..2
To 1 old Meal Bag 6d. Hair Cloth 5/0..5..6
To 1 old Ax old Brush0..0..2
old Hoe, Shovel parcel Nails ps. Leather, Strainer Cloth 3 plank0..1..6
£ 110..6..9

Thos. Cary jr. Exr.

William Robinson
Samuel Reade
Edward Moss
John Tenham

Returned to York County Court the 19th Day of May 1746 and Order'd to be Recorded
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.