An Inventory & Appraisment of the Estate of John Trotter decd. made by us the Subscribers who were first sworn for that purpose Vizt.

A Blacksmiths Anvil 40/ a Brick Iron & Stake 20/£ 3..0..0
6 Sledges & Hammers 20/ 8 small Hammers 2/61..2..6
3 pr. Smiths Tongs Poker & Slice 6/ a pair Bellows 30/1..16..0
£ 5..18..6
Carried over
Brought over£ 5..18..6
1 New Large Vice 46/6 1 large Do. old & 3 small Do. 15/3..1..6
4 Screw Plates & 1 Britching Do. 26/ 20 sorry old files 3/91..9..9
a pr. Large Shears Pinchers & Nail Tools 5/ 38 different new files 20/1..5..0
4 old Saws 6/ an Iron Grapling 12/6 the ½ of a little Grapling 1/30..19..9
2 Drils 1 pr. H Hinges & Punches 5/ 2 old Guns 5/0..10..0
150 lb. old Iron at 1d. p. lb. 12/6 4500 Shingles at 8/ p. M. 362..9..0
15 Bushels of Coal 15/ a set of Cart Hoops 9/ 3 Barrels Tar 21/2..5..0
Parcel old Casks 4/ pr. Oyster Tongs 2/6 a pr. old Pistols & Holsters 5/0..11..6
Some Leather & 1 old Pistol 6/ a Surringe 5/ 2 Brass Candlesticks & tin funnel0..13..0
2 old Chests 3/ a Spinning Wheel 5/ 3 Dishes & 6 Plates 15/1..3..0
2 old Dishes & 2 old Plates & old bed pan 6/ 1 Large Iron Pot 10/0..16..0
5 Stone Butter pots 6/ 1 midling Iron Pot & one small one 10/ 1 other pot 4/1..0..0
2 pr. fire tongs and Spit flesh fork 10/ pr. flat Irons 2/6 frying Pan 1/60..14..0
An Old Pestle & Morter 1/3 an old Brass Scale & Coffee pot 3/0..4..3
1 Large old Copper Kettle 20/ 1 Do. 30/ Water pails Tubs & Salt Box & 1 ax 6/62..16..6
7 doz. Quart Bottles 14/ some old Casks 7/6 2 Bushells bay Salt 4/1..5..6
1 Carboy & 2 Juggs 8/ an old warming Pan 2/ a pair Small old Scales & wts. 2/0..12..0
2 small Matts 4/ 8 Leather Chairs 30/ 6 old Can Chairs 6/2..0..0
2 Straw bottom'd Chairs 2/ a Chest 6/ a Desk 35/ a Table 26/3..9..0
A Corner Cupboard 10/ a Stone Jugg & parcel Cups & Suacers butter Dish &c 5/0..15..0
A Case with 6 Pottle & some other Bottles 8/ a looking Glass 2/60..10..6
A Parcel old books 7/6 2 Silver Spoons 20/ a Silver hilted Sword 35/3..2..6
A Bed Bedstead Cord pr. Pillows Bolster pr. Sheets Rug & Blanket4..0..0
A Bed Bedstead with Sacking bottom Sheet Rug Blanket2..12..6
A Chest with a Lock 3/6 a Young Horse 26/ a Bed Bedstead Curtains &c £56..9..6
Moll an old Negro Wench £8.10/ an old Bed 8/ an Earthen pan &c 1/88..19..8
A Gun 20/ 1 Cow 35/ 1 Steer 40/ 1 Heifer 25/6..0..0
Some Table Linnen 7/6 a Young Negro Wench Sarah £ 3535..7..6
£ 101..0..5

May 21st 1745
Matt Hubbard
John Terry
Pat Matthews

At Poquoson Quarter.

5 Draft Steers £ 10 4 Cows & Calves £ 4..6/ a Bull 20/15..6..0
5 Cows £ 6..5/ 2 Young Steers 40/ 4 two Year olds 60/11..5..0
3 Yearlings 30/ a Sow & 12 Young Hogs 60/ 5 Pigs 6/34..6..3
6 Young Hogs 30/ 18 Sheep & 6 Lambs £ 6 hand Mill 10/8..0..0
A Cross cut Saw 15/ a Cart Yokes & Chain 20/
3 Pipes 10/6 4 Hhds & a Butt 13/
A Kettle 30/ an old table 5/ an Earthen Pan, Pot &c 2/61..17..6
Carrd. over£ 43..13..3
Brought over 43..13..3
5 old Hoes & 4 Axes 9/ a Grindstone 2/6 a Canoe 12/61..4..0
A Pot Pothook & Rack 10/ an Iron Spit frying Pan & Sheep Shears 5/0..15..0
A Steer hide 5/ 2 Iron Wedges 4/6 an Iron Pestle 5/ 25 lb. feathers 25/1..4..0
Frank a Negro Man £ 30 Judy an old Wench £ 1040..0..0

At the Lodge Quarter

3 Cows & Calves at 30/ 4 Cows at 25/ each 2 Bulls draw 20/ each11.10..0
3 two Year olds at 15/ ea. 2 Yearlings at 10/ each a Steer 35/5..0..0
6 Hogs 30/ a pair old Quirn Stones 5/ a Cart & Wheeles & Yoke 20/2..15..0
An Iron pot & hooks 2/6 an old frying Pan & old ax Cowbell
& Chain 3/6
2 Calf Skins 1/3 Mare & Colt 30/ a Negro Man Giles £48 a Mare & Colt 40/51..11..3
£ 238..14..0 [sub tot.]
1 Cow hide0..3..6
Cash in the House11..3..8

June 15th 1745
Matt Hubard
John Terry
Pat Matthews

An Inventory of the Estate of John Trotter deced.

John Chapman
John Buckner

Returned to York County Court the 19th Day of August 1745 and by the Court Order'd to be Recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.