In Obedience to an Order of York County Court of the 15th June 1747 We the Subscribers being first Sworn have Apprais'd so much of the Estate of Patrick Vans decd. as hath been brought before us Vizt.

2 Pipes of Madeira Wine£ 45..0..0
A Blue Druget Coat Waistcoat & Breeches2..10..0
2 Ruffled Shirts 1 Linnen Waistcoat 1 old hatt, 2 Linnen handkerchiefs & 2 pr. thread Hose1..12..6
£ 49..2..6

Benja. Catton
Ishmael Moody
James Pride

Return'd to York County Court the 17th day of August 1747. and Order'd to be Recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: