An Inventory and Appraisment of the Estate of James Bale decd.

To 5 Cows and Calves £8..15/ 2 Yearlings 30/ 2 young Cows £3..16/£ 14.. 1..0
1 Young Horse 30/ a Pewter Basons 9/ 3 Pewter Dishes 8/2.. 7..0
6 Pewter Plates 8/ a parcel of old Pewter 6/ a Case of Knives & forks 7/1.. 1..0
A pr. of Money Scales 4/ a pr. Cotton Cards 2/ a Gun 7/60..13..6
1 Mans Saddle & Bridle 21/6 2 Sifters 1/ 1 Deer Skin 3/1.. 5..6
1 Bedstead Cord & Hide 1 Rug, 1 Tick 1 pr. Sheets1..17..6
1 Frying pan 6d. 2 Tables 6/6 3 Chests 8/0..15..0
1 Drinking Glass 1 knife 2 forks 1/ 3 Butter pots 4/0.. 5..0
1 Water Pail 4 Baskets 5/6 Stools 1 form 1/60.. 7..0
1 Box Iron & Heater 6d. 1 Spinning Wheel 3/0.. 3..6
3 Iron pots and two hooks 6/ 2 Hoes 1 Pestle 2 Axes 8/0..14..0
A Parcel of Iron 2/ 2½ lb. Pickt Cotton 2/60.. 4..6
2 small Tubs with some Salt 1/6 a parcel of old Lumber 1/0.. 2..6
A Parcel of old Books 1 small trunk0.. 2..6
A pr. of fire tongs and a Candlestick 5 Tubs 1 Chest0..12..0
2 Towels, 1 Table Cloth 1 Meal Tub 1 Tray0.. 4..6
2 Sows 8 Pigs, 7 Young Hogs 43/ 1 Beefrope 1 Mug 1/32.. 4..3
£ 27.. 0..3

Pursuant to an Order of York Court bearing Date the 16th Day of May 1748 We the Subscribers have Appraised the Estate of James Bale decd. as Witness our hand this 6th day of June 1748.
Matt Pierce
John Bryan
William Dunn

Returned to York County Court the 18th day of July 1748 and Ordered to be Recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: