A Bill of Appraisment made on the Estate of John Crawley decd.

28 Head of Cattle at 35/ per head£ 49..0..0
2 Calves a 8/ 1 Harrow 10/ 1 Fluke Hoe 5/1..11..0
2 Cross Cut Saws 15/ 2 Mares & 1 Colt £66..15..0
19 Geese 19/ 4 Ducks 2/6 Spades 6/ 4 Axes 8/1..15..6
5 Ox Chains 4 Yokes with Irons 30/ 1 hand Iron 5/1..15..0
1 Grindstone 2/1d. 6 Hoes 1 Grubbing Do. 14/ 1 frying Pan & old pot 3/ 1 old brass Kettle 2/1.. 1..1
2 Hides 3/ a parcel of old Iron a ld. per lb. 10/0..13..0
1 Brass Cock 1/3 2 old Pistols 2/ 4 Wedges 7/60..10..9
1 Iron Pestle 5/ 1 Hammer & a rope 4/ 5 Sider Casks 18/ 236 Bottles at 26/ per Grace3.. 9..7½
1 Negro Named James £40 James Junr. £4080..0..0
1 Do. Peter £30 Sarah £30 Will £868..0..0
1 Gun Bayonet and Cartouch Box 30/ 1 Do. old Gun & Bayonet 10/ 1 pr. of Dogs 10/2..10..0
1 pr. Money Scales 1 Candle box 1 pr. Sheep Shears0.. 5..0
1 Pail 6d. 9 Leather Chairs 27/ 2 Tables 20/2.. 8..3
1 Corner Cupboard 7/6 1 Bed a pr. of Sheets, Rug, Pillows Bedstead Cord and Hide £44.. 7..6
1 Do. a pr. of Sheets a Rug Bolster and Pillow Bedstead Cord and Hide3.. 0..0
1 Table Cloth and Towell 3/9d. a Bed Bolster a pair of Sheets and a Rug &c. £22.. 3..9
A parcel of old Window and Glass 8/ 2 old hogsheads 6/0..14..0
15 Sheep £3..15/ 3 Reaping hooks 2/3 1 Horse called Mattle £5 1 Sorrel Do. £5 1 Do. £417..17..3
1 Bay Mare £5 1 Riding Chair & Harness for 2 Horses £12 3 old Barrels & a piece of Rope 3/ 1 Ox Cart 30/18..13..0
Negro Sam £45 Do. Judith £45 Cate £30120.. 0..0
A Negro by Name Harry £10 Judith Junr. £3040.. 0..0
Abigal £6 Negro Paul £4046.. 0..0
6 Cows 4 Yearlings and a Calf11.. 0..0
1 Womans Saddle & Bridle 15/ 1 Brass Kettle 8/ 35 Pewter Plates 24/ 12 Do. Dishes 40/ old Pewter 30/5..17..0
1 Wash Bason 2/6 a small Pestle & Morter 3/0.. 5..6
1 Bell Metal Kettle 3/ 1 Box Iron & Heaters 3/0.. 6..0
1 pr. hand Irons 20/ 3 Iron Pots and Racks 25/2.. 5..0
3 Pails 3/ 1 Spit 1 pr. Tongs, and a frying Pan 5/0.. 8..0
1 large Iron Pot 12/ 1 Dripping pan 7/60..19..6
1 Grid Iron & Lumber 10/ 1 old Table 2/6 1 old Iron Pot 1/60..14..0
A Parcel of old Casks 8/ 1 Jarr 7/ a parcel of Leather 12/1.. 7..0
A Parcel of Tallow 20/ 4 Brass Cocks 5/ 5 Jugs 14/1..19..0
4 Butter Pots 6/ 1 Bay Colt 15/ a pr. of Stilyards 8/1.. 9..0
A Bed, Rug, Bolster, Pillow, Bedstead, Cord, & Hide a pair of Sheets5.. 0..0
Do. without a Bedstead £3 1 old Bed 2 Pillows 1 pr. of Sheets 1 Rug 35/ 1 Warming Pan and 2 Chamber pots 5/5.. 0..0
1 Violin 10/ 1 pair Cotton Cards 4/ 1 Buckskin 5/0..19..0
1 old Bed pr. Sheets bolster and Rug 35/ 1 Do. a pr. of Sheets a Bolster 1 Pillow Bedstead £4..10/6..5..0
1 Do. £4..10/ 1 Do. £3..10/ 1 Do. £3..10/11..10..0
1 Bed &c 20/ 5 Blankets 1 Rugg 1 Oznabs. Tick 30/2..10..0
2 Chamber pots 1/3 a parcel of wearing apparel £66.. 1..3
1 doz: Panes of Glass 7/6 1 Saddle Cover 10/ 1 Bolster Case 2/0..19..6
Spun Cotton 7/6 2 Swords 7/6 2 lb thread & some Flax 3/0..18..0
1 Desk 30/ 1 pr. Money Scales 7/6 a parcel of Lumber 5/2.. 2..6
2 doz: Silver Waistcoat Buttons 10/ 1 Looking Glass 20/1..10..0
1 Oval Table 15/ 1 Do. 15/ 9 Leather Chairs 54/ (so in the original)4.. 0..0
2 Do. Rush 3/ a Parcel of Books 30/1..13..0
A Parcel of Earthen Ware & Glasses 6/ 1 Cloaths brush & Grater 15d.0.. 7..3
1 pr. Iron Dogs 2/6 a parcel of Spun Yarn wt. 27 lb. at 1/6 per lb.2.. 0..6
A Bed a Bolster a pr. of Sheets Rug Bedstead Cord and Hide3.. 0..0
1 Square Table 3/ 1 Do. Walnut 2/6 2 pr. Window Curtains 2/60.. 8..0
1 Bed Bolster pr. of Sheets Rug Bedstead5.. 0..0
1 Bed £5 1 Chest & Candle Box 4/6 a pr. Window Curtains 2/5.. 6..6
1 Tea kettle & a parcel of Candlesticks 14/ 40 Yards of Irish Linnen 40/ 1 Saddle 2/62..16..6
A parcel of Wool & some Yarn 4/ a pr. of Wool Cards 2/ 11 Turkeys 13/9 18 Dunghill Fowls 6/1.. 5..9
A parcel of Knives and forks and Spoons 5/ 7 Towels, 3 Table Cloths 15/ 1 Hoe 1 Ax 4/61.. 4..6
1 Rake with Iron teeth 2/ 1 Drawing Knife and Real 1/3d0.. 3..3
1 Bed &c £3..10/ 1 Spinning Wheel 4/6½3..14..6½

In Obedience to an Order of the Worshipful Court of York County we have Appraised the Estate of John Crawley decd. accordingly.
Henry Wetherburne
James Shields
Matt: Shields

Returned to York County Court the 18th day of July 1748 and Ordered to be Recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: